The evaluation of the equilibrium partitioning method using sensitivity distributions of species in water and soil or sediment
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The evaluation of the equilibrium partitioning method using sensitivity distributions of species in water and soil or sediment
Translated Title
De evaluatie van de evenwicht partitie methode met behulp van de gevoeligheidsverdelingen van soorten in water en bodem of sediment
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De evenwicht partitie methode (EqP-methode) kan worden gebruikt om milieukwaliteitsnormen (zoals het Maximaal Toelaatbaar Risiconiveau of de interventiewaarde) voor bodem of sediment af te leiden uit aquatische toxiciteitsgegevens en een bodem/water of sediment/water partitiecoefficient. De validiteit van het gebruik van de EpP-methode voor dit doel kan bestudeerd worden door aquatische toxiciteitsdata te vergelijken met terrestrische. Voor 12 organische stoffen en voor 8 metalen waren voldoende gegevens in de literatuur beschikbaar om deze vergelijking te maken. De toxiciteits- en sorptie-data voor water en bodem werden gehaald uit de rapporten die worden gebruikt om milieukwaliteitsnormen in Nederland af te leiden. Met behulp van geselecteerde sorptie constanten (uitgedrukt in L/kg) werden de EC50 (Effect Concentratie 50%) of No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) waarden (uitgedrukt in 4g/L) voor waterorganismen vergeleken met de EC50 of NOEC waarden (uitgedrukt in mg/kg) voor bodemorganismen of bodem processen. Voor koper, chloorpyrifos, atrazine en voor het effect van pentachloorfenol of cadmium op bodem processen, waren de terrestrische toxiciteitsgegevens (EC50 of NOEC) significant hoger dan de aquatische toxiciteitsgegevens. Voor 2,4,6-trichloorfenol, trichlooretheen, chroom III, arsenicum en lood waren de aquatische toxiciteitsgegevens significant hoger. Sommige van deze statistisch significante verschillen kunnen misschien worden toegeschreven aan de selectie van de sorptie constanten, maar voor chloorpyrifos en trichlooretheen was dit niet het geval. De significant lagere EC50 waarden van chloroform (trichloormethaan) voor processen in het sediment vergeleken met diersoorten in water, kon ook niet verklaard worden door de selectie van de sorptie constante. Voor chloorpyrifos, trichlooretheen en chloroform kunnen deze statistisch significante verschillen misschien worden toegeschreven aan de selectie van de bodem of sediment toxiciteitstesten. Deze significante verschillen geven aan dat de EqP-methode geen wetenschappelijk gevalideerde methode is om milieukwaliteitsnormen af te leiden maar alleen beschouwd kan worden als een schattingsroutine die een significante over- of onder-schatting kan geven. De EqP-methode wordt gebruikt om de Hazardous Concentration 5% (HC5) waarden voor bodem of sediment te schatten met behulp van aquatische toxiciteitsgegevens. Deze HC5 waren in 5% van de gevallen meer dan factor 20 hoger dan de overeenkomstige HC5 waarden, die direct werden afgeleid met behulp van toxiciteitstesten met bodemorganismen voor de 12 organische stoffen en 8 metalen. Deze factor 20 geeft aan dat de EqP-methode niet gebruikt kan worden voor een accurate bepaling van bodem of sediment HC5 waarden, maar alleen geschikt is voor een ruwe schatting. Wanneer een risicobeoordelaar geconfronteerd wordt met een beperkt aantal terrestrische toxiciteitsgegevens en een veel groter aantal aquatische toxiciteitsgegevens, samen met een betrouwbare bodem/water partitiecoefficient. Dan dient er voor een ruwe schatting van de bodem-kwaliteitsnorm een keuze gemaakt te worden tussen het gebruik van de terrestrische data, of het gebruik van de EpP-methode. De aanbevelingen geven gedetailleerde adviezen voor deze keuze, ten einde de vaak erg grote onzekerheid in de schatting van een bodem-kwaliteitsnorm te minimaliseren.<br>
The equilibrium partitioning method (EqP-method) can be used to derive environmental quality standards (like the Maximum Permissible Concentration or the intervention value) for soil or sediment, from aquatic toxicity data and a soil/water or sediment/water partitioning coefficient. The validity of the use of the EqP-method for this purpose can be studied by the comparison of aquatic with terrestrial toxicity data. For 12 organic substances and for 8 metals sufficient data were available in the literature to make this comparison. The toxicity and sorption data for water and soil were taken from the reports that are used to derive environmental quality standards in the Netherlands. The EC50 (Effect Concentration 50%) or No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) values (expressed in 4g/L) for water organisms were compared with the EC50 or NOEC values (expressed in mg/kg) for soil organisms or soil processes using selected sorption constants (expressed in L/kg). For copper, chlorpyrifos, atrazine and for the effect of pentachlorophenol or cadmium on soil processes, the terrestrial toxicity data (EC50 or NOEC) were significantly higher compared to the aquatic toxicity data. For 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, trichloroethene, chromium III, arsenic and lead the aquatic toxicity data were significantly higher. Some of these statistically significant differences might be attributed to the selection of the sorption constants, but in the case of chlorpyrifos and trichloroethene this was not the case. The significantly lower EC50 values of chloroform (trichloromethane) for processes in sediment compared to animal species in water could also not be explained by the selection of the sorption constant. For chlorpyrifos, trichloroethene and chloroform, these significant differences might be attributed to the selection of soil or sediment toxicity tests. These significant differences indicate that the EqP-method is not a scientifically validated method to derive environmental quality standards but can only be regarded as an estimation routine, which can give a significant over-or underestimation. The EqP-method is used to estimate Hazardous Concentration 5% (HC5) values for soil or sediment using aquatic toxicity data. These HC5 values were in 5% of the cases more than a factor 20 higher than the corresponding HC5 values that were derived directly using toxicity tests with soil organisms for the 12 organic substances and 8 metals. This factor 20 indicates that the EqP-method can not be used for an accurate determination of soil or sediment HC5 values, but is only suited for a rough estimation. When a risk assessor is confronted with a limited number of terrestrial toxicity data and a much larger number of aquatic toxicity data, together with a reliable soil/water partitioning coefficient. There is a choice between the use of the terrestrial data, or the use of the EqP-method, for a rough estimation of a soil quality standard. The recommendations give detailed advice for this choice in order to minimize the often very large uncertainty in the estimation of a soil quality standard.<br>
The equilibrium partitioning method (EqP-method) can be used to derive environmental quality standards (like the Maximum Permissible Concentration or the intervention value) for soil or sediment, from aquatic toxicity data and a soil/water or sediment/water partitioning coefficient. The validity of the use of the EqP-method for this purpose can be studied by the comparison of aquatic with terrestrial toxicity data. For 12 organic substances and for 8 metals sufficient data were available in the literature to make this comparison. The toxicity and sorption data for water and soil were taken from the reports that are used to derive environmental quality standards in the Netherlands. The EC50 (Effect Concentration 50%) or No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) values (expressed in 4g/L) for water organisms were compared with the EC50 or NOEC values (expressed in mg/kg) for soil organisms or soil processes using selected sorption constants (expressed in L/kg). For copper, chlorpyrifos, atrazine and for the effect of pentachlorophenol or cadmium on soil processes, the terrestrial toxicity data (EC50 or NOEC) were significantly higher compared to the aquatic toxicity data. For 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, trichloroethene, chromium III, arsenic and lead the aquatic toxicity data were significantly higher. Some of these statistically significant differences might be attributed to the selection of the sorption constants, but in the case of chlorpyrifos and trichloroethene this was not the case. The significantly lower EC50 values of chloroform (trichloromethane) for processes in sediment compared to animal species in water could also not be explained by the selection of the sorption constant. For chlorpyrifos, trichloroethene and chloroform, these significant differences might be attributed to the selection of soil or sediment toxicity tests. These significant differences indicate that the EqP-method is not a scientifically validated method to derive environmental quality standards but can only be regarded as an estimation routine, which can give a significant over-or underestimation. The EqP-method is used to estimate Hazardous Concentration 5% (HC5) values for soil or sediment using aquatic toxicity data. These HC5 values were in 5% of the cases more than a factor 20 higher than the corresponding HC5 values that were derived directly using toxicity tests with soil organisms for the 12 organic substances and 8 metals. This factor 20 indicates that the EqP-method can not be used for an accurate determination of soil or sediment HC5 values, but is only suited for a rough estimation. When a risk assessor is confronted with a limited number of terrestrial toxicity data and a much larger number of aquatic toxicity data, together with a reliable soil/water partitioning coefficient. There is a choice between the use of the terrestrial data, or the use of the EqP-method, for a rough estimation of a soil quality standard. The recommendations give detailed advice for this choice in order to minimize the often very large uncertainty in the estimation of a soil quality standard.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM