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Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Risk assessment of contact allergens: a feasibility
Translated Title
Risico-evaluatie van contact allergenen: een
Published in
Huidsensibilisatie ofwel allergische contactdermatitis,
is weliswaar geen levensbedreigende aandoening, maar toch kan deze
aandoening het functioneren van getroffenen ernstig beperken. Daarom wordt
bij de toelating van stoffen, waaronder chemicalien, huishoudprodukten en
cosmetica, inzicht in de sensibiliserende eigenschap van de stoffen geeist.
In het algemeen wordt deze sensibiliserende eigenschap in diermodellen
onderzocht. Door de opzet van deze diermodellen is slechts inzicht in de
intrinsieke sensibiliserende eigenschap mogelijk. Voor een goede
risicoschatting is echter meer inzicht in de kwantitatieve aspecten van het
sensibiliserend karakter van een stof nodig. In deze studie is onderzocht
welke beperkingen de huidige diermodellen voor een dergelijke kwantitatieve
risicoschatting hebben. Vervolgens worden aanpassingen aan de
testprotocollen voorgesteld, alsmede additioneel onderzoek met behulp van
in-vitro modellen. Tenslotte wordt een teststrategie
Skin sensitization, allergic contact dermatitis, is not a life-threatening condition but it can be very impairing. For that reason contemporary legislation prescribes the assessment of the skin sensitizing properties of substances like chemicals, house-hold and personel-care products. In general, skin sensitization is assessed by animal test models. However, the commonly used animal models (guinea pig and mouse models) are limited to hazard identification, i.e. the assessment of the intrinsic sensitizing capacity. Every day practice shows the need for quantitative risk assessment. For that reason in this study currently used animal tests are analyzed for their limitations to quantitative risk assessment. Recommendations are put forward to adapt the test protocols and additional, in-vitro methods are suggested to quantify the immune response. Furthermore a test strategy is suggested.
Skin sensitization, allergic contact dermatitis, is not a life-threatening condition but it can be very impairing. For that reason contemporary legislation prescribes the assessment of the skin sensitizing properties of substances like chemicals, house-hold and personel-care products. In general, skin sensitization is assessed by animal test models. However, the commonly used animal models (guinea pig and mouse models) are limited to hazard identification, i.e. the assessment of the intrinsic sensitizing capacity. Every day practice shows the need for quantitative risk assessment. For that reason in this study currently used animal tests are analyzed for their limitations to quantitative risk assessment. Recommendations are put forward to adapt the test protocols and additional, in-vitro methods are suggested to quantify the immune response. Furthermore a test strategy is suggested.