Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van aflatoxine B1 in voedermiddelen
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van aflatoxine B1 in
Translated Title
Investigations on the occurrence of aflatoxin B1
in animal feedingstuffs
Published in
Gedurende een periode van 3 jaar (eind 1990 tot eind
1993) is onderzoek verricht naar het voorkomen van aflatoxine B1 in diverse
typen veevoeders. De monsters waren over het gehele land genomen en
afkomstig van partijen bestemd voor melkvee (283 monsters), mestrunderen (37
monsters), slachtkuikens (32 monsters) en mestvarkens (36 monsters). In ca.
50% van alle monsters was aflatoxine B1 aantoonbaar in gehalten boven 1
mug/kg. Het gemiddelde gehalte aan aflatoxine B1 schommelde rond de 1-2
mug/kg. De mediane waarden lagen rond de 1 mug/kg en de 90e percentiel
waarden schommelden rond de 2-3 mug/kg. Uitzondering hierop vormde de groep
voeders voor mestrunderen, waarvoor de gemiddelde waarde voor het aflatoxine
B1 gehalte op 2,5 mug/kg uitkwam, de mediane waarde op 1,9 mug/kg en de 90e
percentiel waarde op 6,3 mug/kg. Overschrijdingen van de in de EU-richtlijn
vastgelegde toleranties deden zich vrijwel nergens voor. Kennelijk slaagt
de Nederlandse veevoeder industrie er in het aflatoxine B1 probleem goed te
During a period of 3 years (end 1990-end 1993) investigations were done on the occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in various types of animal feedingstuffs. The samples were drawn from all over the country and originated from lots to be used for diary cattle (283 samples), beef cattle (37 samples), poultry (32 samples) and pigs (36 samples). In approx. 50% of all samples aflatoxin B1 was detectable at mass fractions above 1 mug/kg. The mean values for aflatoxin B1 ranged from 1-2 mug/kg, the median values were around 1 mug/kg, and the 90th percentile values ranged from 2-3 mug/kg. An exception to this pattern was the group of feedingstuffs for beefcattle, where the mean value for the aflatoxin B1 content was at 2,5 mug/kg, the median value at 1,9 mug/kg and the 90th percentile value at 6,3 mug/kg. In virtually none of the samples the EU-tolerances for the various types of feedingstuffs were exceeded. Obviously the Dutch feedingstuff industry has the aflatoxin B1 problem well under control.
During a period of 3 years (end 1990-end 1993) investigations were done on the occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in various types of animal feedingstuffs. The samples were drawn from all over the country and originated from lots to be used for diary cattle (283 samples), beef cattle (37 samples), poultry (32 samples) and pigs (36 samples). In approx. 50% of all samples aflatoxin B1 was detectable at mass fractions above 1 mug/kg. The mean values for aflatoxin B1 ranged from 1-2 mug/kg, the median values were around 1 mug/kg, and the 90th percentile values ranged from 2-3 mug/kg. An exception to this pattern was the group of feedingstuffs for beefcattle, where the mean value for the aflatoxin B1 content was at 2,5 mug/kg, the median value at 1,9 mug/kg and the 90th percentile value at 6,3 mug/kg. In virtually none of the samples the EU-tolerances for the various types of feedingstuffs were exceeded. Obviously the Dutch feedingstuff industry has the aflatoxin B1 problem well under control.