Supplement to the methodology for risk evaluation of biocides (I) Emission scenarios to be incorporated into the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances (UBS)
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Supplement to the methodology for risk evaluation of
biocides (I) Emission scenarios to be incorporated into the Uniform System
for the Evaluation of Substances (UBS)
Translated Title
Aanvulling op de risicobeoordelingsmethodologie
voor biociden (I) Emissiescenario's voor het Uniform Beoordelingssysteem
Stoffen (UBS)
Published in
De aanzet tot de completering van een reeks
emissiescenario's voor biociden ten behoeve van het Uniform
Beoordelingssysteem Stoffen (UBS) wordt gegeven. De meest urgente benodigde
toepassingen van desinfectantia worden in dit rapport behandeld, namelijk
desinfectantia voor sanitair gebruik en toegepast in de medische sector.
Alle nog niet behandelde producttypen biociden uit de lijst van
Biocidenrichtlijn 98/8/EC zullen in vervolgonderzoeken worden
This supplement documents the launch of the process to complete the whole range of emission scenarios for biocide applications to be incorporated in USES (Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances). To date, a limited number of emission scenarios for various biocide applications have been covered. This report deals with two of the most urgently needed biocide applications, namely, disinfectants used for sanitary purposes and applications for use in the medical sector. Emission scenarios are presented for all relevant situations. Other biocide applications - not yet investigated - will be a subject for future studies.
This supplement documents the launch of the process to complete the whole range of emission scenarios for biocide applications to be incorporated in USES (Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances). To date, a limited number of emission scenarios for various biocide applications have been covered. This report deals with two of the most urgently needed biocide applications, namely, disinfectants used for sanitary purposes and applications for use in the medical sector. Emission scenarios are presented for all relevant situations. Other biocide applications - not yet investigated - will be a subject for future studies.