Fijn stof emissies in Nederland en buitenland
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Fijn stof emissies in Nederland en
Translated Title
Emissions of Particulate Matter in the Netherlands
and abroad
Published in
Dit rapport documenteert emissiebestanden in het kader
van het project Luchtverontreiniging en Gezondheid en de Vierde
Milieuverkenning ten behoeve van verspreidingsberekeningen. Het betreft
emissiebestanden voor basis- en toekomstjaren voor primair fijn stof en NH3,
SO2 en NOx als precursors van secundair fijn stof, voor binnen- en
buitenland. In het rapport worden de economische scenario's en maatregelen
die ten grondslag liggen aan de berekeningen voor toekomstjaren toegelicht.
Ook wordt een eerste analyse gemaakt van onzekerheden in zowel binnen- als
buitenlandse emissiegegevens voor fijn stof. Geadviseerd wordt
vervolgonderzoek te richten op i) nadere analyse van onzekerheden in huidige
emissiebestanden , ii) doorwerking daarvan, en van de onzekerheden in
modelparameters in het verspreidingsmodel, in de berekende
fijn-stofconcentraties en iii) het vergroten van het inzicht in de kwaliteit
van huidige emissieschattingen, en eventuele hiaten daarin, door metingen
aan de bron en versterkte koppeling van emissieinventarisaties aan
Concerns research on emission data used as input for atmospheric dispersion modelling in the framework of the RIVM project "Air Pollution and Health" and the Netherlands Environmental Outlook 4. The data collected apply to primary particulate matter, SO2, NOX and NH3 for Europe and the Netherlands for base and future years. Economic developments and abatement measures used to calculate future emission trends are explained. A first analysis has been made of the uncertainties involved in the estimates of particulate matter emissions. On the basis of these reported emission data we recommend focusing future emission research on: i) closer analysis of the uncertainties in present emission estimates, ii) the subsequent effect of uncertainties in emission estimates on dispersion modelling, and iii) increasing the insight into the quality of present emission data and probable missing sources of data. This can be achieved through measurements at emission sources and a stronger linking of emission inventories to air quality monitoring in general.
Concerns research on emission data used as input for atmospheric dispersion modelling in the framework of the RIVM project "Air Pollution and Health" and the Netherlands Environmental Outlook 4. The data collected apply to primary particulate matter, SO2, NOX and NH3 for Europe and the Netherlands for base and future years. Economic developments and abatement measures used to calculate future emission trends are explained. A first analysis has been made of the uncertainties involved in the estimates of particulate matter emissions. On the basis of these reported emission data we recommend focusing future emission research on: i) closer analysis of the uncertainties in present emission estimates, ii) the subsequent effect of uncertainties in emission estimates on dispersion modelling, and iii) increasing the insight into the quality of present emission data and probable missing sources of data. This can be achieved through measurements at emission sources and a stronger linking of emission inventories to air quality monitoring in general.