Landelijk Meetnet Bodemkwaliteit; Resultaten 1997
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Landelijk Meetnet Bodemkwaliteit; Resultaten
Translated Title
National Soil Monitoring Network; Results
Published in
Het Landelijk Meetnet Bodemkwaliteit (LMB) heeft als
primaire doelstelling het nagaan van trendmatige veranderingen in de
kwaliteit van de bodem ten gevolge van diffuse belasting van de bodem. Het
object van onderzoek is de toplaag van de bodem (0-10 cm); daarnaast wordt
ook een diepere bodemlaag en het bovenste grondwater onderzocht. Het LMB
wordt in samenwerking met LEI-DLO en Alterra uitgevoerd. Jaarlijks wordt
een 2-tal combinaties van bodemgebruik en grondsoort bemonsterd, bestaande
uit ca. 20 lokaties per combinatie. De categorieen die in 1997 zijn
onderzocht, zijn graslandbedrijven op zeeklei en tuinbouw- en
bollenbedrijven op klei en zand. Naast algemene kwaliteitsparameters zijn
parameters onderzocht die gerelateerd zijn aan de milieuthema's vermesting
en verspreiding. Voor beide categorieen geldt dat de categoriegemiddelde
metaalgehalten in de bodem beneden de streefwaarde liggen. In het
grondwater geldt dat in de categorie grasland op zeeklei de
categoriegemiddelde metaalconcentraties beneden de streefwaarden liggen, in
de categorie tuinbouw liggen de categoriegemiddelde concentraties van enkele
metalen boven de streefwaarden. Voor een groot aantal individuele PAK
liggen in beide categorie6n de lokatiegemiddelde gehalten boven de
streefwaarde. Voor de categorie grasland liggen de categoriegemiddelde
gehalten aan HCB in de bodem boven de streefwaarde. Voor de categorie
tuinbouw geldt dit voor HCB, beta-endosulfan en de som-DDT, op de
bollenbedrijven geldt dit voor HCB en dieldrin. Op de graslandbedrijven
liggen de categoriegemiddelde concentraties aan orthofosfaat, chloride,
sulfaat en kalium in het bovenste grondwater boven de normen, op de
tuinbouwbedrijven geldt dit voor orthofosfaat, nitraat, sulfaat en kalium,
op de bollenbedrijven geldt dit voor totaal- en orthofosfaat, ammonium,
chloride, sulfaat en kalium. Het overschot aan N is op de bemonsterde
graslandbedrijven vergelijkbaar met het gemiddelde graslandbedrijf, het
P-overschot is lager. Uit het zware metalen-overschot verminderd met de
berekende uitspoeling op basis van de categoriegemiddelde concentraties aan
zware metalen in het grondwater blijkt dat op de grasland- en
bollenbedrijven sprake is van accumulatie van cadmium, koper, zink en lood
in de bodem. In het rapport is beschreven in hoeverre er correlaties
bestaan tussen de huidige belasting (zware metalen) en gehalten in bodem en
grondwater. In de categorie grasland wordt alleen voor koper een positieve
correlatie gevonden tussen belasting en bodemgehalten en in de categorie
bollenteelt wordt alleen voor lood een positieve correlatie gevonden tussen
belasting en concentraties in grondwater.
This report contains the results of the National Soil Monitoring Network of the Netherlands in 1997, the fifth year of sampling. The network represents the cooperative effort of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Agricultural Economic Research Institute (LEI) and the Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (Alterra). The first sampling, of soil and upper groundwater, took place in 1993 on 35 dairy-cattle farms in the sandy regions of the Netherlands. In 1994, 20 intensive cattle farms (high phosphate production) and 20 forest sites (deciduous, pine and mixed) on sandy soils were sampled, in 1995, sampling was carried out on 19 arable farms on sandy soils and 18 cattle farms on peaty soils, in 1996, 20 arable farms on sea clay and 20 cattle farms on river clay were sampled and finally, in 1997, 20 cattle farms on sea clay, 10 vegetable farms and 7 bulb farms on sandy clay soils were sampled. The objectives of the network are to establish changes in soil quality over time, and to establish the actual quality of soil and upper groundwater. Attention is focused primarily on the rural part of the country. The monitoring programme is divided into even time units and samples 40 locations yearly. Sampling has yielded information on concentrations of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides and triazines, both in the topsoil (0-10 cm) and at a depth of 30-50 cm. Information on concentrations of macroparameters, nutrients and heavy metals in the upper groundwater is also presented. The measured concentrations are compared with the Dutch objectives for soil and groundwater quality (target values). On dairy-cattle farms, target values for lead were exceeded in a few samples of the topsoil, while on vegetable farms, targets for zinc and copper were exceeded in samples of the topsoil. On bulb farms targets for copper were exceeded in a few topsoil-samples. Target values for a number of individual PAHs and organochlorine pesticides were exceeded in soil for all categories. Atrazine was shown to greatly exceed the target value, especially on cattle farms. On cattle farms, target values for a number of heavy metals were exceeded in groundwater. The same holds for zinc, cadmium, chrome, copper, nickel and arsene on vegetable farms. On bulb farms targets for chrome, nickel and arsene were exceeded. For both categories, target values for total phosphate, ortho phosphate, ammonium (mostly on bulb farms) chloride, nitrate, sulphate and potassium were exceeded in groundwater. Heavy metal balances have been computed at farm level for cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. There is a balance surplus for all metals involved, caused by the net result of input through atmospheric deposition and farming practice and output through leaching to the groundwater. Therefore accumulation of heavy metals has been concluded to occur in both categories.
This report contains the results of the National Soil Monitoring Network of the Netherlands in 1997, the fifth year of sampling. The network represents the cooperative effort of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Agricultural Economic Research Institute (LEI) and the Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility (Alterra). The first sampling, of soil and upper groundwater, took place in 1993 on 35 dairy-cattle farms in the sandy regions of the Netherlands. In 1994, 20 intensive cattle farms (high phosphate production) and 20 forest sites (deciduous, pine and mixed) on sandy soils were sampled, in 1995, sampling was carried out on 19 arable farms on sandy soils and 18 cattle farms on peaty soils, in 1996, 20 arable farms on sea clay and 20 cattle farms on river clay were sampled and finally, in 1997, 20 cattle farms on sea clay, 10 vegetable farms and 7 bulb farms on sandy clay soils were sampled. The objectives of the network are to establish changes in soil quality over time, and to establish the actual quality of soil and upper groundwater. Attention is focused primarily on the rural part of the country. The monitoring programme is divided into even time units and samples 40 locations yearly. Sampling has yielded information on concentrations of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides and triazines, both in the topsoil (0-10 cm) and at a depth of 30-50 cm. Information on concentrations of macroparameters, nutrients and heavy metals in the upper groundwater is also presented. The measured concentrations are compared with the Dutch objectives for soil and groundwater quality (target values). On dairy-cattle farms, target values for lead were exceeded in a few samples of the topsoil, while on vegetable farms, targets for zinc and copper were exceeded in samples of the topsoil. On bulb farms targets for copper were exceeded in a few topsoil-samples. Target values for a number of individual PAHs and organochlorine pesticides were exceeded in soil for all categories. Atrazine was shown to greatly exceed the target value, especially on cattle farms. On cattle farms, target values for a number of heavy metals were exceeded in groundwater. The same holds for zinc, cadmium, chrome, copper, nickel and arsene on vegetable farms. On bulb farms targets for chrome, nickel and arsene were exceeded. For both categories, target values for total phosphate, ortho phosphate, ammonium (mostly on bulb farms) chloride, nitrate, sulphate and potassium were exceeded in groundwater. Heavy metal balances have been computed at farm level for cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. There is a balance surplus for all metals involved, caused by the net result of input through atmospheric deposition and farming practice and output through leaching to the groundwater. Therefore accumulation of heavy metals has been concluded to occur in both categories.