Adverse Events Following Immunisation under the National Vaccination Programme of The Netherlands Number XI - Reports in 2004
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 240071002
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Adverse Events Following Immunisation under the National Vaccination Programme of The Netherlands Number XI - Reports in 2004
Translated Title
Postavaccinale gebeurtenissen na vaccinaties van het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma. Deel XI - Meldingen in 2004
Published in
De bijwerkingenbewaking van het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma over 2004 liet een duidelijke toename zien van het aantal meldingen met 56%. Deze toename betrof vooral de mildere en heftiger gewone bekende bijwerkingen als huilen en koorts. De toename in het aantal meldingen is toe te schrijven aan de onrust in de media over de veiligheid van de vaccinaties. Er zijn echter geen nieuwe, onverwachte of ernstige bijwerkingen aan het licht gekomen. In 2004 zijn in het totaal 2141 meldingen ontvangen. Hiervan werd 83% als bijwerking van de vaccinaties beschouwd. Het aantal bijwerkingen moet in relatie worden gezien tot de 1,5 miljoen vaccinaties en de bijna 7 miljoen vaccincomponenten die daarbij worden toegediend. Het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma (RVP) wordt sinds 1962 intensief bewaakt. De meldgraad van vermoede bijwerkingen is hoog met een goede meldbereidheid van de consultatiebureaus. Er is een relatief beperkte onderrapportage. 1765 (83%) van de 2141 meldingen betreffen bijwerkingen. Hierbij ging het in 56% om heftiger verschijnselen, met name hoge koorts, langdurig huilen, collapsreacties en verkleurde benen. Ook koortsstuipen en incidenten met rillerigheid, schrikschokken en gespannenheid of juist een hele slappe houding horen hierbij. Hoewel al deze bijwerkingen omstanders erg kunnen laten schrikken zijn ze medisch gezien niet gevaarlijk en laten ze geen restverschijnselen na. Er zijn drie kinderen met hersenontsteking gemeld in 2004, niet veroorzaakt door de vaccinatie maar berustend op andere oorzaken. Bedreigende allergische reacties zijn niet gemeld. De ernstige infecties die werden gemeld hadden geen relatie met de vaccinaties en datzelfde gold voor de gemelde kinderen met epilepsie of suikerziekte. Het ging hierbij om een toevallige samenloop van gebeurtenissen. Bij de vier gemelde overleden kinderen is het overlijden niet door de vaccinaties veroorzaakt. De gestimuleerde passieve veiligheidsbewaking is een goed en gevoelig instrument om signalen over mogelijke bijwerkingen op te pikken; het systeem laat tevens follow-up onderzoek toe. Hoewel heftige bijwerkingen na de RVP vaccinaties optreden, zijn ze voorbijgaand en leiden ze niet tot blijvende gevolgen. De grote gezondheidswinst die het RVP oplevert, weegt op tegen de bijwerkingen.
Adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) in the National Vaccination Programme of the Netherlands (RVP) have been monitored through an enhanced passive surveillance system by RIVM since 1962. From 1984 until 2003 evaluation has been done in close collaboration with the Health Council. An RIVM expert panel continued the reassessment of selected adverse events for 2004. Reports were received mainly from Child Health Care professionals, primarily by telephone through the operating vaccine information and advisory service. Further data have been obtained, if necessary, from parents, general practitioners, paediatricians and other professionals. After supplementation and verification of data a (working) diagnosis is made and causality assessed. In this annual report on 2004 an overview of all reported AEFI is presented with classification according to case definitions and causality. Trend analysis, reporting bias, background rates of specific events and possible pathophysiology of symptoms are discussed. On a total of over 1.5 million vaccinations 2141 AEFI were reported. Of these, 9 (0.4%) were unclassifiable because of insufficient information. In 83% (1765) of the classifiable events a possible causal relation with vaccination was established. These concerned major adverse reactions in 56% and minor adverse reactions in 44% of reports. In 17% (367) of the reports the adverse events were considered chance occurrences. Compared to 2003 there was an increase in number of reports of 56%. This increase was caused by adverse publicity on the safety of the DPTP vaccine. However, this increased attention unveiled no unexpected severe or new adverse events. This adverse publicity started in the first week of 2004 and was immediately picked up by the system. Despite the increase in number of reports the Netherlands Vaccination Programme has a very favourable risk balance.
Adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) in the National Vaccination Programme of the Netherlands (RVP) have been monitored through an enhanced passive surveillance system by RIVM since 1962. From 1984 until 2003 evaluation has been done in close collaboration with the Health Council. An RIVM expert panel continued the reassessment of selected adverse events for 2004. Reports were received mainly from Child Health Care professionals, primarily by telephone through the operating vaccine information and advisory service. Further data have been obtained, if necessary, from parents, general practitioners, paediatricians and other professionals. After supplementation and verification of data a (working) diagnosis is made and causality assessed. In this annual report on 2004 an overview of all reported AEFI is presented with classification according to case definitions and causality. Trend analysis, reporting bias, background rates of specific events and possible pathophysiology of symptoms are discussed. On a total of over 1.5 million vaccinations 2141 AEFI were reported. Of these, 9 (0.4%) were unclassifiable because of insufficient information. In 83% (1765) of the classifiable events a possible causal relation with vaccination was established. These concerned major adverse reactions in 56% and minor adverse reactions in 44% of reports. In 17% (367) of the reports the adverse events were considered chance occurrences. Compared to 2003 there was an increase in number of reports of 56%. This increase was caused by adverse publicity on the safety of the DPTP vaccine. However, this increased attention unveiled no unexpected severe or new adverse events. This adverse publicity started in the first week of 2004 and was immediately picked up by the system. Despite the increase in number of reports the Netherlands Vaccination Programme has a very favourable risk balance.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM