Schets van de knelpunten in de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Schets van de knelpunten in de luchtkwaliteit in
Translated Title
An outline of air quality problems in the
Published in
In 2001 moet de nieuwe EU-regelgeving voor de
luchtkwaliteit in Nederland zijn geimplementeerd. In het kader van het
VROM-project 'Plan van Aanpak Stedelijke Luchtkwaliteit' vindt afstemming
over de taken plaats tussen de verschillende overheidslagen. Ter
ondersteuning van de implementatie zijn de huidige en toekomstige (2010)
knelpunten in de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland en de daaraan gekoppelde
gezondheidseffecten beschreven. NO2 is in de Randstad in de stedelijke
achtergrond en zelfs hier en daar erbuiten een knelpunt. PM10 ligt in de
regionale achtergrond in de zuidelijke helft van Nederland en in de
stedelijke achtergrond in zuid Nederland en de Randstad boven de norm. Voor
beide stoffen geldt dat in 2010 naar verwachting deze knelpunten zijn
opgelost. Zoals te verwachten komen de grootste knelpunten voor bij drukke
wegen en straten in de stedelijke omgeving. Er zijn normoverschrijdingen
voor NO2, PM10, zwarte rook, CO, benzeen en B(a)P. Met uitzondering van NO2
en PM10 zullen deze in 2010 naar verwachting niet meer voorkomen. Gezien de
overschrijding van grenswaarden kan worden geconcludeerd dat blootstelling
aan de huidige niveaus ook gezondheidsrisico's voor de bevolking inhoudt.
Echter ook beneden de norm kunnen nog gezondheidsrisico's optreden. Doordat
de concentraties afnemen verminderen de
The regulations and administrative provisions in the Netherlands will have to comply with the new EU directives on Air Quality by 2001. Governmental institutions on national, provincial and local levels have to harmonise their tasks in implementing and carrying out the new legislation. This process will be supported by the information presented here on current and future air quality, and on resultant health risks to the population. Major areas with air quality bottlenecks are busy city roads and streets. Here NO2 PM10, black smoke, CO, benzene and B(a)P levels are not always in compliance with air quality limit values. These values are exceeded for NO2 even in city background levels in the Randstad (the densely populated western part of the Netherlands), as well as on an incidental basis outside these cities. PM10 levels exceed limit values in the whole southern part of the Netherlands. By 2010 the air quality should be improved and only NO2and PM10 will be out of compliance. Health risks will occur where limit values are exceeded and sometimes even at lower levels. The expected improvement in air quality by 2010 will also result in a decrease in health risks to the population.
The regulations and administrative provisions in the Netherlands will have to comply with the new EU directives on Air Quality by 2001. Governmental institutions on national, provincial and local levels have to harmonise their tasks in implementing and carrying out the new legislation. This process will be supported by the information presented here on current and future air quality, and on resultant health risks to the population. Major areas with air quality bottlenecks are busy city roads and streets. Here NO2 PM10, black smoke, CO, benzene and B(a)P levels are not always in compliance with air quality limit values. These values are exceeded for NO2 even in city background levels in the Randstad (the densely populated western part of the Netherlands), as well as on an incidental basis outside these cities. PM10 levels exceed limit values in the whole southern part of the Netherlands. By 2010 the air quality should be improved and only NO2and PM10 will be out of compliance. Health risks will occur where limit values are exceeded and sometimes even at lower levels. The expected improvement in air quality by 2010 will also result in a decrease in health risks to the population.