Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Selection of substances, deserving policy
Translated Title
Selectie van stoffen die beleidsmatig aandacht
Published in
In dit rapport is een inventarisatie gemaakt van
stoffen, die mogelijk meer beleidsmatige aandacht verdienen. De nadruk ligt
op stoffen die relevant zijn voor de Nederlandse situatie, en die niet het
onderwerp zijn van (geplande) nationale of internationale programma's met
betrekking tot risicobeoordeling. Een bron van informatie zijn chemicalien
die aangetroffen en geidentificeerd zijn gedurende analytisch-chemische
verkenningen in het veld. Een tweede groep potentieel schadelijke stoffen
die bediscussieerd worden zijn die verbindingen welke frequent worden
genoemd in de recente wetenschappelijke literatuur. Tenslotte is informatie
uit het Nederlands emissieregister gebruikt om mogelijk zorgwekkende stoffen
te identificeren.
In the current report an inventory is made of chemicals that may require extra policy attention. The focus is on chemicals that are of relevance for the Netherlands, and that have not been the subject or are not planned to be the subject of (inter)national risk assessment programmes. Chemicals that are encountered and identified during analytical-chemical surveys are listed. As a second category groups of potentially hazardous chemicals that are frequently mentioned in recent literature are discussed. Finally, information from the Dutch registration on emission of substances is used to identify substances of possible concern.
In the current report an inventory is made of chemicals that may require extra policy attention. The focus is on chemicals that are of relevance for the Netherlands, and that have not been the subject or are not planned to be the subject of (inter)national risk assessment programmes. Chemicals that are encountered and identified during analytical-chemical surveys are listed. As a second category groups of potentially hazardous chemicals that are frequently mentioned in recent literature are discussed. Finally, information from the Dutch registration on emission of substances is used to identify substances of possible concern.