Evaluatie wetgeving toevoeging aminozuren aan voedingsmiddelen en -supplementen
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2023-0197
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Evaluatie wetgeving toevoeging aminozuren aan voedingsmiddelen en -supplementen
Translated Title
Evaluation of legislation on the addition of amino acids to food products and nutritional supplements
Published in
Aminozuren zijn onderdelen van eiwitten. In Nederland is het verboden om losse aminozuren toe te voegen aan eet- en drinkwaren, inclusief voedingssupplementen. Volgens Europese wetgeving is dat wel toegestaan. De Gezondheidsraad heeft in 1999 beoordeeld of aminozuren op een veilige manier in Nederland kunnen worden toegevoegd. De raad adviseerde om dit onder bepaalde voorwaarden toe te staan, bijvoorbeeld door te bepalen hoeveel aminozuren fabrikanten maximaal aan producten mogen toevoegen. De maxima die zij toen voorstelden, zijn tot nu toe niet in de Nederlandse wet opgenomen.
Het ministerie van VWS(Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport ) heeft het RIVM gevraagd om de wetgeving over de toevoeging van aminozuren te evalueren. Een specifieke vraag is of het verbod op de toevoeging van aminozuren veilig kan worden opgeheven, en zo nodig kan worden vervangen door wettelijke maximum hoeveelheden.
Het blijkt niet mogelijk te zijn om te bepalen hoeveel aminozuren mensen naast hun voeding veilig kunnen binnenkrijgen via supplementen, of via voedingsmiddelen waar aminozuren aan zijn toegevoegd. Dat komt omdat niet bekend is hoeveel eiwitten en aminozuren mensen maximaal mógen binnenkrijgen. Ook is niet bekend hoeveel aminozuren mensen binnenkrijgen via voedingsmiddelen die in Nederland worden gegeten. De database over de samenstelling van voedingsmiddelen (NEVO) geeft daar geen informatie over.
Uit deze evaluatie blijkt dat het verbod alleen kan worden opgeheven als maximale hoeveelheden voor de toevoegingen, net als in het advies van de Gezondheidsraad uit 1999, worden vastgesteld. Het RIVM adviseert om dat op basis van de nieuwste kennis te doen. De waarden die Gezondheidsraad hiervoor heeft gebruikt, zijn namelijk verouderd. Bij het bepalen van de maxima moet er ook aandacht zijn voor de invloed van de veranderingen in het eetpatroon, zoals de verwachte toename van plantaardige eiwitten (eiwittransitie). Aangezien de kwaliteit van plantaardige eiwitten minder goed is dan die van dierlijke, kan deze transitie invloed hebben op de maxima.
Amino acids are components of proteins. The addition of free amino acids to food and drink products – including nutritional supplements – is prohibited in the Netherlands. Under European legislation, however, this is permitted. In 1991, the Health Council of the Netherlands assessed whether amino acids could be added safely in the Netherlands. The Health Council recommended allowing this under certain conditions, for example by stipulating the maximum amount of amino acids that manufacturers may add to products. The maximums proposed at the time have yet to be included in Dutch law. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has asked RIVM to evaluate the legislation regarding the addition of amino acids. A specific question is whether the ban on the addition of amino acids can indeed be lifted and, if necessary, replaced by statutory maximum amounts. It has proved impossible to determine the amount of amino acids that people can safely consume in addition to their diet through supplements or through food products containing added amino acids. This is because the maximum amount of proteins and amino acids that people should consume is unknown. The amount of amino acids that people ingest through food products consumed in the Netherlands is also unknown. The database on the composition of food products (NEVO) does not provide any information about this. This evaluation shows the ban can only be lifted if maximum amounts for addition are set as recommended by the Health Council in 1991. RIVM advises doing this based on the latest knowledge, since the values that were used by the Health Council are now outdated. Attention should also be paid to changes in eating patterns, including the increased intake of plant-based protein as a result of the recommendation to eat more of these proteins (protein transition). Because plant-based proteins are of lower quality than animal proteins, this transition could affect the maximum amounts.
Amino acids are components of proteins. The addition of free amino acids to food and drink products – including nutritional supplements – is prohibited in the Netherlands. Under European legislation, however, this is permitted. In 1991, the Health Council of the Netherlands assessed whether amino acids could be added safely in the Netherlands. The Health Council recommended allowing this under certain conditions, for example by stipulating the maximum amount of amino acids that manufacturers may add to products. The maximums proposed at the time have yet to be included in Dutch law. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has asked RIVM to evaluate the legislation regarding the addition of amino acids. A specific question is whether the ban on the addition of amino acids can indeed be lifted and, if necessary, replaced by statutory maximum amounts. It has proved impossible to determine the amount of amino acids that people can safely consume in addition to their diet through supplements or through food products containing added amino acids. This is because the maximum amount of proteins and amino acids that people should consume is unknown. The amount of amino acids that people ingest through food products consumed in the Netherlands is also unknown. The database on the composition of food products (NEVO) does not provide any information about this. This evaluation shows the ban can only be lifted if maximum amounts for addition are set as recommended by the Health Council in 1991. RIVM advises doing this based on the latest knowledge, since the values that were used by the Health Council are now outdated. Attention should also be paid to changes in eating patterns, including the increased intake of plant-based protein as a result of the recommendation to eat more of these proteins (protein transition). Because plant-based proteins are of lower quality than animal proteins, this transition could affect the maximum amounts.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM