Uitvoeringstoets toevoeging Spinale Musculaire Atrofie aan de neonatale hielprikscreening
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2020-0105
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Uitvoeringstoets toevoeging Spinale Musculaire Atrofie aan de neonatale hielprikscreening
Translated Title
Feasibility study into adding Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to the newborn blood spot screening
Published in
SMA is een ernstige, aangeboren spierziekte. Kinderen met SMA raken verlamd en kunnen eraan doodgaan. Ieder jaar krijgen 15 tot 20 kinderen de diagnose SMA. De klachten beginnen meestal op jonge leeftijd. Om de ziekte goed te kunnen behandelen, moet ze vroeg worden ontdekt. Het ministerie van VWS heeft het RIVM daarom gevraagd te onderzoeken wat nodig is om SMA toe te voegen aan de hielprik. De resultaten staan in deze uitvoeringstoets.
De uitvoeringstoets laat zien dat SMA kan worden toegevoegd aan de hielprik. Het RIVM verwacht dat de screening op SMA in oktober 2022 in het hele land kan beginnen. Nederland is dan een van de eerste landen in Europa die baby's screenen op SMA. Er zijn veel stappen nodig om SMA toe te voegen aan de hielprik. Het is belangrijk dat de screening op SMA goed verloopt en past in het proces van de hielprik. Dan blijft het draagvlak hoog en blijven bijna alle kinderen meedoen.
Een van de benodigde stappen is de aanschaf van een goede testmethode om kinderen met SMA op te sporen. Voor de koop van een testmethode gelden wettelijke regels. Na de koop moet worden getoetst of de methode ook in de Nederlandse praktijk de zieke kinderen goed opspoort. Alle screeningslaboratoria in Nederland gaan de test gebruiken zodra de screening op SMA start.
Voor sommige kinderen met SMA is nog niet bekend wat het beste moment is om met de behandeling te beginnen. Het is ook nog niet bekend wat het gevolg van de behandeling is na langere tijd. Daarom moet er een plan komen om de screening na een paar jaar te evalueren.
Tot voor kort was er geen behandeling voor kinderen met SMA. Die is er nu wel. De zorgverzekeraar betaalt de behandeling.
SMA is a serious, congenital muscular disorder. Children with SMA become paralysed and can die from it. Each year, 15 to 20 children are diagnosed with SMA. The symptoms usually begin at a young age. Early detection is essential for treating the disorder effectively. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport therefore asked RIVM to carry out a study of what would be needed to add SMA to the newborn blood spot screening. The results are presented in this feasibility study. The feasibility study makes it clear that SMA can be added to the newborn blood spot screening. RIVM expects the screening for SMA to become operational throughout the country in October 2022. The Netherlands will then be one of the first countries in Europe to screen babies for SMA. Many steps need to be taken to ensure that SMA is added to the newborn blood spot screening properly. It's important to ensure that the screening for SMA is carried out effectively and is integrated into the blood spot screening process. Public support will then stay high, and almost all children will keep participating. One of the necessary steps is acquisition of an effective test method for detecting children with SMA. The purchase of a test method is subject to legal rules. After the purchase is made, a study must be carried out to determine whether the method used can also effectively detect children with SMA in the Dutch situation. As soon as screening for SMA is introduced, all screening laboratories in the Netherlands will use the test. For some children with SMA, it is not yet known what the best time is to start the treatment. The long-term consequences of the treatment are also not yet known. A plan must therefore be formulated to evaluate the screening after some years. Until recently, there was no treatment available for children with SMA. However, such a treatment is now available. The health care insurer pays for the treatment.
SMA is a serious, congenital muscular disorder. Children with SMA become paralysed and can die from it. Each year, 15 to 20 children are diagnosed with SMA. The symptoms usually begin at a young age. Early detection is essential for treating the disorder effectively. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport therefore asked RIVM to carry out a study of what would be needed to add SMA to the newborn blood spot screening. The results are presented in this feasibility study. The feasibility study makes it clear that SMA can be added to the newborn blood spot screening. RIVM expects the screening for SMA to become operational throughout the country in October 2022. The Netherlands will then be one of the first countries in Europe to screen babies for SMA. Many steps need to be taken to ensure that SMA is added to the newborn blood spot screening properly. It's important to ensure that the screening for SMA is carried out effectively and is integrated into the blood spot screening process. Public support will then stay high, and almost all children will keep participating. One of the necessary steps is acquisition of an effective test method for detecting children with SMA. The purchase of a test method is subject to legal rules. After the purchase is made, a study must be carried out to determine whether the method used can also effectively detect children with SMA in the Dutch situation. As soon as screening for SMA is introduced, all screening laboratories in the Netherlands will use the test. For some children with SMA, it is not yet known what the best time is to start the treatment. The long-term consequences of the treatment are also not yet known. A plan must therefore be formulated to evaluate the screening after some years. Until recently, there was no treatment available for children with SMA. However, such a treatment is now available. The health care insurer pays for the treatment.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS