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Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Monitor resultaten geluid 2000
Translated Title
Noise monitoring results 2000
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In het kader van structurele intensivering van meetactiviteiten ten behoeve van het monitoren van milieukwaliteit is door het RIVM in 1999 een meetprogramma voor geluid opgesteld. In het kader van dit programma zijn door het RIVM in 2000 op een aantal specifieke locaties permanente geluidmetingen verricht gericht op het ondersteunen en valideren van het modelinstrumentarium dat door het RIVM wordt gebruikt in haar beleidsadvisering op het gebied van geluidhinder. Het meetprogramma geluid is opgenomen in het project "Ontwikkeling monitorsysteem geluid en verstoring". Hierin is voorzien in het inrichten van een aantal specifieke monitorlocaties waar de geluidsbelasting van grootschalige bronnen, zoals het verkeer op rijkswegen en spoorwegverkeer, permanent wordt gemeten. Daartoe zijn in 1999 geluidmetingen zijn verricht langs de rijksweg A2 ter hoogte van Breukelen. Deze metingen zijn in februari 2000 hervat en het vrijwel het gehele jaar gecontinueerd. De metingen zijn gecombineerd met tel- en snelheidsgegevens van het verkeer ter plaatse en gebruikt om de bronsterkte van verschillende voertuigcategorien in de betreffende periode te bepalen. Daarnaast is 2000 als haalbaarheidsstudie verricht op twee andere locaties. Een ervan is een meetlocatie ingericht langs het spoor tussen Utrecht en Amsterdam eveneens ter hoogte van Breukelen. De metingen op deze locatie hebben vooralsnog een verkennend karakter met als doel de waarde van deze locatie voor het over langere termijn monitoren van de geluidemissie door spoorwegen te toetsen. De andere locatie bevond zich in een stiltegebied bij Zegveld. Op de meetlocatie langs de A2 bij Breukelen de bedroeg jaargemiddelde waarde voor het geluidvermogen in 2000 voor personen- en vrachtauto's respectievelijk 106,7 dB(A) en 110,3 dB(A). In de wintermaanden zijn ca. 3 dB(A) hogere geluidniveaus gemeten dan in de zomermaanden. De haalbaarheidsstudie langs het spoor laat zien dat de locatie geschikt is voor het monitoren van de akoestische ontwikkeling van spoorwegmaterieel. Er kan goed en vrij van storende invloeden worden gemeten en de locatie is representatief voor de gemiddelde toestand over dit spoor. De metingen zullen daarom in 2001 worden vervolgd, waarbij o.a. zal worden onderzocht of een verder onderscheid naar treincategorie mogelijk is. In 2000 werd een gemiddelde emissie van ca. 64 dB(A) genormeerd op 1 wagonpassage (bak) per uur, zowel voor dag-, avond- en nachtperiode. De verkennende metingen in het stiltegebied Zegveld ondervonden veel last van stoorgeluid in samenhang met lokale agrarische activiteiten. De metingen bleken niet goed te kunnen worden gerelateerd aan modelparameters en bleken evenmin geschikt voor model validatie.<br>
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noise monitoring programme. This programme forms part of the project, "Development of a monitoring system for noise and disturbance", which aims at establishing a number of permanent sites for monitoring the trends in noise levels for large-scale sources such as roadways and railways. In the framework of the programme for 2000 continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites. These would serve to support and validate models used in policy studies. Measurements were taken and analysed using the results of a feasibility study which had been conducted in 1999 along the A2 roadway near Breukelen. Here, the results of the measurements, including the analysis, are given for this site in 2000. The measurements were combined with traffic volume figures in order to determine the source strength of different vehicle categories. The results of a feasibility study for conducting similar continuous noise measurements on two other sites are also presented here. One site was found near Breukelen along the railway line between Utrecht and Amsterdam. The aim was to monitor the trend in noise emissions from railway stock. The other was set up in a sanctuary at Zegveld. At the measurement site along the A2 highway near Breukelen, yearly averaged sound power level of 106.7 dB(A) for passenger cars and 110.3 dB(A) for freight cars were found. These results are consistent with data from standard noise calculation models. A temperature effect was also found: i.e. the noise levels in winter were approximately 3 dB(A) higher than in the summer. The pilot study at the site along the railway between Utrecht and Amsterdam near Breukelen indicates that monitoring noise levels along railway lines by means of continuous measurements offers the possibility of keeping emission data up to date, checking model predictions and evaluating the long-term effect of policies regarding noise emission limits. Therefore monitoring will be continued in 2001, with additional inquiry into the possibility of distinguishing results according to train category. In the year 2000, an average noise emission level of approximately 64 dB(A) for one railway carriage per hour was set as the standard, being valid for daytime, evening and night-time. The pilot measurements at the Zegveld sanctuary were difficult to interpret and could not be clearly compared to model parameters and model predictions. This site appeared to be unsuitable for monitoring purposes, and for this reason, the measurements at this location will not be continued.<br>
As part of an enhanced effort in monitoring the environmental quality in 1999, the RIVM set up a noise monitoring programme. This programme forms part of the project, "Development of a monitoring system for noise and disturbance", which aims at establishing a number of permanent sites for monitoring the trends in noise levels for large-scale sources such as roadways and railways. In the framework of the programme for 2000 continuous noise measurements were made on a number of specific sites. These would serve to support and validate models used in policy studies. Measurements were taken and analysed using the results of a feasibility study which had been conducted in 1999 along the A2 roadway near Breukelen. Here, the results of the measurements, including the analysis, are given for this site in 2000. The measurements were combined with traffic volume figures in order to determine the source strength of different vehicle categories. The results of a feasibility study for conducting similar continuous noise measurements on two other sites are also presented here. One site was found near Breukelen along the railway line between Utrecht and Amsterdam. The aim was to monitor the trend in noise emissions from railway stock. The other was set up in a sanctuary at Zegveld. At the measurement site along the A2 highway near Breukelen, yearly averaged sound power level of 106.7 dB(A) for passenger cars and 110.3 dB(A) for freight cars were found. These results are consistent with data from standard noise calculation models. A temperature effect was also found: i.e. the noise levels in winter were approximately 3 dB(A) higher than in the summer. The pilot study at the site along the railway between Utrecht and Amsterdam near Breukelen indicates that monitoring noise levels along railway lines by means of continuous measurements offers the possibility of keeping emission data up to date, checking model predictions and evaluating the long-term effect of policies regarding noise emission limits. Therefore monitoring will be continued in 2001, with additional inquiry into the possibility of distinguishing results according to train category. In the year 2000, an average noise emission level of approximately 64 dB(A) for one railway carriage per hour was set as the standard, being valid for daytime, evening and night-time. The pilot measurements at the Zegveld sanctuary were difficult to interpret and could not be clearly compared to model parameters and model predictions. This site appeared to be unsuitable for monitoring purposes, and for this reason, the measurements at this location will not be continued.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM