Methode voor schatting van de prevalentie van inadequate innemingen van micronutrienten - Toepassing: Foliumzuur
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Methode voor schatting van de prevalentie van inadequate innemingen van micronutrienten - Toepassing: Foliumzuur
Translated Title
Method for micronutrient assessment of the Dutch population - Folate as an example
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In Nederland worden periodiek voedselconsumptiepeilingen uitgevoerd om inzicht te krijgen in de voedselconsumptie en de voedingstoffenvoorzieningen van de Nederlandse bevolking. Van een algehele kwantitatieve beoordeling van de inneming van de afzonderlijke voedingsstoffen is echter geen sprake. Daarom wordt in dit rapport een beoordelingskader voorgesteld voor het toetsen van de inneming micronutrienten aan de voedingsnorm. De vitamine foliumzuur is gekozen als voorbeeldstof. De eerste stap in het beoordelingsproces is het schatten van de behoefteverdeling van de micronutrienten in de (sub)populatie. Vervolgens dient de verdeling van de gebruikelijke inneming van de micronutrienten te worden geschat uit de waargenomen inname. Hierbij wordt de binnenpersoonsvariatie uit de ruwe data verwijderd. Twee methoden om dit te doen worden met elkaar vergeleken; het 'STatistical Exposure Model' (STEM) van Slob en de 'semiparametric transformation approach' ontwikkeld door Nusser en medewerkers (de Nussermethode). Beide methoden doen verschillende aannames en hebben voor- en nadelen. Tenslotte kan de verdeling van de gebruikelijke inneming worden gecombineerd met de verdeling van de behoefte om de prevalentie (mate van voorkomen), van inadequate innemingen in de populatie te schatten. Hiervoor bestaan twee benaderingen, de grenswaardebenadering en de waarschijnlijkheidsbenadering. Wij achten de waarschijnlijkheidsbenadering de beste methode, omdat schending van de aannames van de grenswaardebenadering al snel leidt tot grote onnauwkeurigheden in de prevalentieschatting. Voor de beoordeling van de voedingstoffenvoorzieningen van kinderen zou het wellicht beter zijn de behoefte uit te drukken als functie van de leeftijd. Dit dient nader onderzocht te worden.Een schatting van de foliumzuurinneming met behulp van voedselconsumptiegegevens afkomstig uit de VCP-3 laat zien dat voor 40 tot 68 procent van de volwassenen de foliumzuurinneming inadequaat is. Met de voorgestelde methode kan de situatie ook voor andere micronutrienten nauwkeurig in beeld worden gebracht.
National food consumption surveys are conducted periodically in the Netherlands to gain insight into the food consumption of and nutrient supply to the Dutch population. Nutritional status has, to date, never been assessed systematically. This was the reason then for proposing a framework for assessing the actual micronutrient intake against the requirements. Folate was used as an example. The first step in the assessment procedure is to estimate the nutrient requirement and the requirement distribution. In the next step, the usual intake distribution of the nutrient needs to be estimated from the observed intakes by eliminating within-person variation. We compared two methods for this purpose: the Statistical Exposure Model (STEM) developed by Slob at the RIVM and the semi-parametric transformation approach (the Nusser method), developed by Nusser and co-workers. Each of these methods has its own underlying assumptions, and both have advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the distribution of intakes and requirements should be combined to estimate the prevalence of inadequate intakes. Two approaches used to achieve this are the EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) cut-point approach and the probability approach. We consider the probability approach the better method, because violation of assumptions underlying the EAR cut-point approach will result in unacceptably large deviations from the true prevalence estimate. For children, a more accurate estimate of nutrient adequacy may be obtained by expressing nutrient requirement as a function of age. This possibility needs to be explored further. The assessment of folate intake using data from the third Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (1997/98) revealed a highly inadequate folate intake for the whole population. The method proposed is also suitable for a quantitative assessment of the intake of other micronutrients by the population.
National food consumption surveys are conducted periodically in the Netherlands to gain insight into the food consumption of and nutrient supply to the Dutch population. Nutritional status has, to date, never been assessed systematically. This was the reason then for proposing a framework for assessing the actual micronutrient intake against the requirements. Folate was used as an example. The first step in the assessment procedure is to estimate the nutrient requirement and the requirement distribution. In the next step, the usual intake distribution of the nutrient needs to be estimated from the observed intakes by eliminating within-person variation. We compared two methods for this purpose: the Statistical Exposure Model (STEM) developed by Slob at the RIVM and the semi-parametric transformation approach (the Nusser method), developed by Nusser and co-workers. Each of these methods has its own underlying assumptions, and both have advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the distribution of intakes and requirements should be combined to estimate the prevalence of inadequate intakes. Two approaches used to achieve this are the EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) cut-point approach and the probability approach. We consider the probability approach the better method, because violation of assumptions underlying the EAR cut-point approach will result in unacceptably large deviations from the true prevalence estimate. For children, a more accurate estimate of nutrient adequacy may be obtained by expressing nutrient requirement as a function of age. This possibility needs to be explored further. The assessment of folate intake using data from the third Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (1997/98) revealed a highly inadequate folate intake for the whole population. The method proposed is also suitable for a quantitative assessment of the intake of other micronutrients by the population.
Dit rapport bevat een erratum op pagina 2<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM