Blootstelling aan xenobiotica in voeding. Voorbeeldstoffen: Butyl benzyl phtalate (BBP), Benzo(a)pyreen en Fluorantheen
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Blootstelling aan xenobiotica in voeding.
Voorbeeldstoffen: Butyl benzyl phtalate (BBP), Benzo(a)pyreen en
Translated Title
Exposure of xenobiotics in food. Example
compounds: Butyl benzyl phtalate (BBP), Benzo(a)pyrene and
Published in
Een tweetal 'ad-hoc' blootstellingsbeoordelingen van
chemische stoffen in voedsel werden uitgevoerd om de algemene richtlijnen
uit een eerder rapport te testen. De eerste beoordeling omvatte butyl
benzyl phtalate (BBP), de tweede twee PAK's te weten benzo(a)pyreen en
fluorantheen. Voor beide beoordelingen wordt beschreven hoe de gegevens
over concentraties in voedsel verkregen werden en hoe deze concentraties
vertaald zijn naar een dagelijkse inname voor een relevante bevolkingsgroep.
De mediane inname van BBP bedroeg 0.144 mug/kg/dag voor 20 tot 70 jarigen.
In de eerste 5 jaren ligt de inname ongeveer een factor 2 hoger. De mediane
inname voor benzo(a)pyreen en fluorantheen is respectievelijk 2.712 en
17.937 ng/kg/dag. Knelpunten in de blootstellingsbeoordeling waren de
beschikbaarheid van concentratiegegevens en de manier waarop de beschikbare
computerprogramma's de gegevens samenvatten.
Two 'ad-hoc' exposure assessments for chemical compounds in food were handled in order to test the general outline proposed in a former report. The first assessment referred to the phtalate BBP (butyl benzyl phtalate) , the second to the PAHs benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene. For both assessments it is described how data on concentrations in food items were gathered and how these concentrations were translated in an intake for a relevant part of the population. Intake of BBP has a median of 0.144 mug/kg/day between 20 and 70 years of age. In the first 5 years of life, BBP intake is about double this value. The median intake for benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene was 2.712 and 17.937 ng/kg/day, respectively. Bottlenecks in the exposure assessment were identified in data availability and in the way the computer programs summarise the exposure data.
Two 'ad-hoc' exposure assessments for chemical compounds in food were handled in order to test the general outline proposed in a former report. The first assessment referred to the phtalate BBP (butyl benzyl phtalate) , the second to the PAHs benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene. For both assessments it is described how data on concentrations in food items were gathered and how these concentrations were translated in an intake for a relevant part of the population. Intake of BBP has a median of 0.144 mug/kg/day between 20 and 70 years of age. In the first 5 years of life, BBP intake is about double this value. The median intake for benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene was 2.712 and 17.937 ng/kg/day, respectively. Bottlenecks in the exposure assessment were identified in data availability and in the way the computer programs summarise the exposure data.