Side-effects of pertussis toxin, pertussis vaccines and haemoinfluenza type B vaccine
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Side-effects of pertussis toxin, pertussis vaccines and haemoinfluenza type B vaccine
Translated Title
Neveneffecten van pertussis toxine, pertussis vaccin en hemoinfluenza type B vaccin
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Doel van de studie is de bijwerkingen van vaccins nader te bestuderen ter onderbouwing van voor te stellen richtlijnen. Bedoelde richtlijnen stellen eisen aan het verrichten van pre-klinische veiligheids-farmacologie van vaccins. Dit rapport beschrijft de cardiovasculaire en autonome effecten, die in-vivo worden waargenomen in jonge en volwassen ratten behandeld met hoge doseringen pertussis toxine, cellulair (DKTP-vaccin) en acellulair pertussis vaccin en Haemoinfluenza type b vaccin. Deze effecten refereren wellicht aan de collaps (flauwvallen) van de kinderen tijdens of vlak na de vaccinatie met kinkhoest vaccin. De belangrijkste effecten, die door pertussis toxine, DKTP and acellulair pertussis vaccin worden geinduceerd zijn hypotensie, tachycardie en remming van de adrenerge en cholinerge responsen. Volwassen ratten blijken gevoeliger voor deze stoffen te zijn dan jonge ratten en de respons hangt af van de toedieningsroute. Er worden geen effecten waargenomen in ratten, die behandeld zijn met DTP (deze mist de pertussis component) en Haemoinfluenza vaccin. Het wordt aanbevolen om de veiligheid van vaccins vast te stellen via bepaling van de cardiovasculaire en autonome bijwerkingen in volwassen ratten, die 3-4 keer met hoge dosis (20x de klinische dosering) en een middelhoge dosis zijn behandeld. Ten einde de klinische relevantie van de resultaten van het veiligheidsonderzoek afdoende vast te kunnen stellen, dient tot slot nog onderzocht te worden of herhaald i.m. toedienen van middelhoge dosis vaccins aan volwassen ratten dezelfde effecten induceert als waargenomen na i.v. toediening.<br>
Aim of the study is to investigate adverse side effects of vaccines to support the description of guidelines. Such guidelines describe the requirements how and when research to pre-clinical safety pharmacology vaccines are to be performed. This report describes the cardiovascular and autonomic effects observed in-vivo in young and adult rats treated with high doses of pertussis toxin, cellular (DKTP-vaccine) and acellular pertussis vaccine and Haemoinfluenza type b vaccine. These effects may refer to the collaps as observed in children vaccinated with pertussis vaccine. Main effects induced by pertussis toxin, DKTP and acellular pertussis vaccine are hypotension, tachycardia and inhibition of adrenergic and cholinergic responses. It appears that adult rats are more sensitive to these compounds than young rats and that the response depends on the route of administration. No effects are observed in rats treated with DTP, lacking the pertussis component and Haemoinfluenza vaccine. It is recommended to screen the safety of vaccines via evaluation of cardiovascular and autonomic side-effects in adult rats treated 3-4 times with a high (20-fold the clinical dose) and an intermediate dose. Finally, in order to establish properly the clinical relevance of the safety pharmacology requirements, it should be investigated whether multiple i.m. treatment of adult rats with intermediate doses of vaccines induces similar effects as observed after the intravenous route.<br>
Aim of the study is to investigate adverse side effects of vaccines to support the description of guidelines. Such guidelines describe the requirements how and when research to pre-clinical safety pharmacology vaccines are to be performed. This report describes the cardiovascular and autonomic effects observed in-vivo in young and adult rats treated with high doses of pertussis toxin, cellular (DKTP-vaccine) and acellular pertussis vaccine and Haemoinfluenza type b vaccine. These effects may refer to the collaps as observed in children vaccinated with pertussis vaccine. Main effects induced by pertussis toxin, DKTP and acellular pertussis vaccine are hypotension, tachycardia and inhibition of adrenergic and cholinergic responses. It appears that adult rats are more sensitive to these compounds than young rats and that the response depends on the route of administration. No effects are observed in rats treated with DTP, lacking the pertussis component and Haemoinfluenza vaccine. It is recommended to screen the safety of vaccines via evaluation of cardiovascular and autonomic side-effects in adult rats treated 3-4 times with a high (20-fold the clinical dose) and an intermediate dose. Finally, in order to establish properly the clinical relevance of the safety pharmacology requirements, it should be investigated whether multiple i.m. treatment of adult rats with intermediate doses of vaccines induces similar effects as observed after the intravenous route.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM