Risk limits for boron, silver, titanium, tellurium, uranium and organosilicon compounds in the framework of EU Directive 76/464/EEC
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Risk limits for boron, silver, titanium, tellurium,
uranium and organosilicon compounds in the framework of EU Directive
Translated Title
Risicogrenzen voor boor, zilver, titanium,
tellurium, uranium en organische siliciumverbindingen in het kader van EU
Richtlijn 76/464/EEC
Published in
In het kader van EU richtlijn 76/464 dienen de
lidstaten van de Europese Unie milieukwaliteitsnormen af te leiden voor de
stoffen die in deze richtlijn genoemd worden. Voor een aantal van deze
stoffen waren tot nu toe geen Nederlandse milieukwaliteitsnormen
beschikbaar. Daarom heeft het ministerie van VROM het RIVM verzocht om voor
deze stoffen risicogrenzen (het Maximaal Toelaatbaar Risiconiveau en het
Verwaarloosbaar Risiconiveau, afgekort MTR en VR) af te leiden, die
vervolgens door het ministerie gebruikt kunnen worden om te voldoen aan haar
verplichtingen zoals in de EU richtlijn gesteld. Zodoende worden in dit
rapport de resultaten weergegeven voor de volgende stoffen: boor, zilver,
titanium, tellurium, uranium en organische
In the framework of EU Directive 76/464/EEC member states of the European Union have to derive environmental quality standards for the substances mentioned in this directive. For some of these substances no environmental quality standards have up to now been available in the Netherlands. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment was asked by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment to derive risk limits (Maximum Permissible Concentrations or MPCs and Negligible Concentrations or NCs) for these substances. These risk limits, derived for the substances, boron, silver, titanium, tellurium, uranium and organosilicon compounds, can be used by the ministry to meet its obligations with respect to Directive 76/464.
In the framework of EU Directive 76/464/EEC member states of the European Union have to derive environmental quality standards for the substances mentioned in this directive. For some of these substances no environmental quality standards have up to now been available in the Netherlands. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment was asked by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment to derive risk limits (Maximum Permissible Concentrations or MPCs and Negligible Concentrations or NCs) for these substances. These risk limits, derived for the substances, boron, silver, titanium, tellurium, uranium and organosilicon compounds, can be used by the ministry to meet its obligations with respect to Directive 76/464.