Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Exploratory Report
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Dit document rapporteert gegevens over chloortoluenen
betreffende richtlijnen, bronnen en emissies, blootstellings- en
effectniveaus en risico's voor mens en ecosystemen. Op basis van beperkte
informatie over blootstellings- en effectniveaus is voorlopig geconcludeerd
dat n-chloortoluenen en ring-gechloreerde alpha-chloortoluenen geen
significant risico lijken te vormen voor mens en ecosystemen in Nederland.
Voorgesteld wordt om n-chloortoluenen en de ring-gechloreerde
alpha-chloortoluenen af te voeren van de aandachtstoffenlijst.
Alpha-chloortoluenen lijken geen risico te vormen voor ecosystemen. Bij
mensen wordt naar verwachting de toxicologische advieswaarde voor orale
blootstelling niet overschreden. Er zijn te weinig gegevens om de
carcinogene risiso's van alpha-chloortoluenen in de binnenlucht in Nederland
te evalueren. Blootstellingsniveau's kunnen binnenshuis (gedurende korte
perioden) verhoogd zijn doordat alpha-chloortoluenen vrijkomen uit vinyl
vloertegels en mogelijk ook andere producten waarin butyl benzyl ftalaat is
verwerkt. In de nabije toekomst komt meer informatie beschikbaar over
alpha-chloortoluenen, vanwege een aantal internationale ontwikkelingen. Om
deze reden wordt aanbevolen de alpha-chloortoluenen niet van de
aandachtstoffenlijst af te halen. Op dit moment wordt voor de
alpha-chloortoluenen geen onderzoek voorgesteld ; mogelijke verdere studies
of activiteiten hangen af van de resultaten van de OECD- en
This document reports data on chlorotoluenes with regard to standards, sources and emissions, exposure levels, effect levels and risks for humans and ecosystems. On the basis of scanty information on exposure and effect levels, it is tentatively concluded that n-chlorotoluenes and ring chlorinated alpha-chlorotoluenes do not seem to present a significant risk to humans or ecosystems in the Netherlands. It is recommended to withdraw n-chlorotoluenes and ring chlorinated alpha-chlorotoluenes from the attention substances list. Alpha-chlorotoluenes do not seem to present a risk to ecosystems. With respect to humans, oral exposure to alpha-chlorotoluene is not expected to exceed the toxicological limit value. Data are lacking to evaluate the carcinogenic risks related to alpha-chlorotoluenes in indoor air in the Netherlands. Exposure levels could be increased (during short periods of time) due to evaporation of alpha-chlorotoluenes from vinyl floor tiles and maybe also from other materials containing butyl benzyl phthalate. In the near future more information on the alpha-chlorotoluenes may become available because of international developments. Because of this it is recommended not to withdraw these substances from the attention substances list. At the moment no studies are proposed on alpha-chlorotoluenes ; possible future studies or actions will depend on the outcome of the OECD and EU studies.
This document reports data on chlorotoluenes with regard to standards, sources and emissions, exposure levels, effect levels and risks for humans and ecosystems. On the basis of scanty information on exposure and effect levels, it is tentatively concluded that n-chlorotoluenes and ring chlorinated alpha-chlorotoluenes do not seem to present a significant risk to humans or ecosystems in the Netherlands. It is recommended to withdraw n-chlorotoluenes and ring chlorinated alpha-chlorotoluenes from the attention substances list. Alpha-chlorotoluenes do not seem to present a risk to ecosystems. With respect to humans, oral exposure to alpha-chlorotoluene is not expected to exceed the toxicological limit value. Data are lacking to evaluate the carcinogenic risks related to alpha-chlorotoluenes in indoor air in the Netherlands. Exposure levels could be increased (during short periods of time) due to evaporation of alpha-chlorotoluenes from vinyl floor tiles and maybe also from other materials containing butyl benzyl phthalate. In the near future more information on the alpha-chlorotoluenes may become available because of international developments. Because of this it is recommended not to withdraw these substances from the attention substances list. At the moment no studies are proposed on alpha-chlorotoluenes ; possible future studies or actions will depend on the outcome of the OECD and EU studies.