Nanotechnology in medical applications: state-of-the-art in materials and devices
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 265001001
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Nanotechnology in medical applications: state-of-the-art in materials and devices
Translated Title
Nanotechnologie in medische toepassingen: stand der wetenschap in materialen en producten
Published in
Nanotechnologie is een uitermate krachtige, opkomende technologie die op dit moment al toegepast wordt en in de toekomst een aanzienlijke invloed zal hebben op de medische technologie. Innovatieve nanomedische toepassingen kunnen de gezondheidszorg op fundamentele wijze veranderen, omdat er nieuwe mogelijkheden beschikbaar komen voor diagnose, behandeling en preventie van ziekte. Verder kunnen behandelmethodes in toenemende mate precies op maat worden gemaakt gebruikmakend van het profiel van de patient. Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van de "state-of-the-art" op het gebied van veelbelovende nanotechnologische ontwikkelingen in de medische technologie. Met name worden relevante toepassingen besproken in chirurgie, diagnose en behandeling van kanker, bepaling van ziekte-specifieke stoffen in het lichaam, beeldvormende technieken, implantaten, tissue engineering en toediening van geneesmiddelen, eiwitten, genen en radionucliden. Veel toepassingen van nanotechnologie in de medische technologie staan nog in de kinderschoenen. Een toenemend aantal producten wordt echter momenteel onderzocht in klinische studies en sommige zijn al commercieel verkrijgbaar, waaronder chirurgische mesjes en hechtnaalden, contrastmiddelen voor beeldvorming met magnetische resonantie, botvervangende materialen, wondbehandelingsproducten, antimicrobieel textiel, chips voor in vitro moleculaire diagnostiek, "microcantilevers" en micronaalden.
Nanotechnology is an extremely powerful emerging technology, which is expected to have a substantial impact on medical technology now and in the future. The potential impact of novel nanomedical applications on disease diagnosis, therapy, and prevention is foreseen to change health care in a fundamental way. Furthermore, therapeutic selection can increasingly be tailored to each patient's profile. This report presents the state-of-the-art in the area of promising nanotechnology approaches for medical technology. In particular, relevant applications are reported in surgery, cancer diagnosis and therapy, biodetection of disease markers, molecular imaging, implant technology, tissue engineering, and devices for drug, protein, gene, and radionuclide delivery. Many medical nanotechnology applications are still in their infancy. However, an increasing number of products is currently under clinical investigation and some products are already commercially available, such as surgical blades and suture needles, contrast-enhancing agents for magnetic resonance imaging, bone replacement materials, wound dressings, anti-microbial textiles, chips for in vitro molecular diagnostics, microcantilevers, and microneedles.
Nanotechnology is an extremely powerful emerging technology, which is expected to have a substantial impact on medical technology now and in the future. The potential impact of novel nanomedical applications on disease diagnosis, therapy, and prevention is foreseen to change health care in a fundamental way. Furthermore, therapeutic selection can increasingly be tailored to each patient's profile. This report presents the state-of-the-art in the area of promising nanotechnology approaches for medical technology. In particular, relevant applications are reported in surgery, cancer diagnosis and therapy, biodetection of disease markers, molecular imaging, implant technology, tissue engineering, and devices for drug, protein, gene, and radionuclide delivery. Many medical nanotechnology applications are still in their infancy. However, an increasing number of products is currently under clinical investigation and some products are already commercially available, such as surgical blades and suture needles, contrast-enhancing agents for magnetic resonance imaging, bone replacement materials, wound dressings, anti-microbial textiles, chips for in vitro molecular diagnostics, microcantilevers, and microneedles.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM