Sorteeranalyses met gescheiden ingezameld huishoudelijk afval uit Lemsterland. Deelrapportage proef 2, oktober/november 1991
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Sorteeranalyses met gescheiden ingezameld
huishoudelijk afval uit Lemsterland. Deelrapportage proef 2,
oktober/november 1991
Translated Title
Sortering analyses with domestic waste after
separate collection from Lemsterland. Interim
Published in
Abstract niet beschikbaar
This report presents the results of the second series of sorting analyses with household waste, collected after separate collection at source in the municipality of Lemsterland. The sorting analyses took place in october 1991 and form part of a pilot project, called 'de dubbele duobak' (dual duobin). The main purpose of this project is to achieve a more extended reduction of the amount of household waste by separate collection at source. In Lemsterland each household is provided with two dual-chamber wheeled bins. The first bin contains a paper/carboard fraction and a mixture ('PMD') of plastics/metals/drinks-packaging (laminated cardboard); the other bin contains a fraction of garden, fruit and vegatable waste ('GFV') and a residual fraction. Of each fraction two samples were collected at two different locations and analysed on the composition, purity and response. The results on GFV- and paperfractions showd a purity which amount to 96% or more, and a response of more than 80%. The PMD-fraction showed a purity of 70% and a response of 67%. The response of glass containers (glass does not form part of the house-to-house collection) showed also a very high response rate (92%). A provisionally estimate on the total reduction of the amount of household waste, based on the results of the participating households in 1991, showed a recycling percentage of 58%.
This report presents the results of the second series of sorting analyses with household waste, collected after separate collection at source in the municipality of Lemsterland. The sorting analyses took place in october 1991 and form part of a pilot project, called 'de dubbele duobak' (dual duobin). The main purpose of this project is to achieve a more extended reduction of the amount of household waste by separate collection at source. In Lemsterland each household is provided with two dual-chamber wheeled bins. The first bin contains a paper/carboard fraction and a mixture ('PMD') of plastics/metals/drinks-packaging (laminated cardboard); the other bin contains a fraction of garden, fruit and vegatable waste ('GFV') and a residual fraction. Of each fraction two samples were collected at two different locations and analysed on the composition, purity and response. The results on GFV- and paperfractions showd a purity which amount to 96% or more, and a response of more than 80%. The PMD-fraction showed a purity of 70% and a response of 67%. The response of glass containers (glass does not form part of the house-to-house collection) showed also a very high response rate (92%). A provisionally estimate on the total reduction of the amount of household waste, based on the results of the participating households in 1991, showed a recycling percentage of 58%.