Klimaatakkoord: effecten op veiligheid, gezondheid en natuur
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2019-0076
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Klimaatakkoord: effecten op veiligheid, gezondheid en natuur
Translated Title
Climate Accord: effects on health, safety and nature
Published in
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat wil de positieve en negatieve effecten van het Klimaatakkoord voor veiligheid, gezondheid en natuur in beeld brengen. Het RIVM heeft daarom onderzocht wat het afbouwen van de huidige fossiele energie bronnen, en de systemen en technieken die daardoor verdwijnen, betekent voor veiligheid, gezondheid en natuur.
De maatregelen in het Klimaatakkoord kunnen, door het verdwijnen van de fossiele bronnen, winst opleveren voor gezondheid, veiligheid en natuur. Deze winst is relevant maar ook beperkt omdat CO2-reductie zich niet één-op-één vertaalt in vermindering van luchtverontreiniging of in veilligere leef- en werkomstandigheden.
Het gaat hierbij nadrukkelijk om een eerste verkenning die een ruwe schatting op nationaal niveau oplevert. Internationale maatregelen kunnen de winst vergroten. Deze verkenning houdt geen rekening met de mogelijke gevolgen van de vervangende energiesystemen en technieken.
Voor veiligheid gaat het vooral om het wegvallen van koolmonoxide-vergiftiging door gebruik van aardgasinstallaties in huis. Als in 2050 alle woningen gasloos zijn, worden 10-50 dodelijke slachtoffers per jaar voorkomen. Daarnaast verdwijnen risicobronnen, waardoor de kans op een ramp met tien of meer doden door deze bronnen verdwijnt. Vooral het vervallen van het transport van brandstoffen levert een belangrijke verbetering op.
Voor gezondheid ligt de winst vooral in het vervangen van verbrandingsmotoren (benzine, diesel, gas) door elektromotoren. Hierdoor komen minder stikstofoxiden en fijnstof in de lucht. Geschat wordt dat deze emissies in 2030 met 10% kunnen dalen ten opzichte van 2016. De ziektelast door luchtverontreiniging zal hierdoor met één tot enkele procenten afnemen. Voor 2050 wordt een verdere daling verwacht voor stikstofoxiden en fijnstof door de klimaatmaatregelen, waardoor de afname van de ziektelast nog eens kan verdubbelen.
Blootstelling aan dieselrook op de werkplek kan leiden tot longkanker en andere aandoeningen. Door het verdwijnen van dieselrook kan de werkgerelateerde ziektelast met één tot enkele procenten afnemen.
Elektrische auto's maken bij lage snelheden minder geluid waardoor de geluidsoverlast binnen de bebouwde kom afneemt. Dat kan leiden tot een geluidsreductie met 1 decibel in 2030 en met 3-4 decibel in 2050. Als het lukt een vermindering met 3-4 decibel te realiseren zal de ziektelast als gevolg van geluid met 15-25% afnemen.
Voor natuur is met het Klimaatakkoord winst te halen door een verdere vermindering van de stikstofdepositie. Ongeveer 10% extra vermindering in 2050 is mogelijk. Als die daling wordt gerealiseerd zal het natuuroppervlak waarvoor de stikstofbelasting onder de kritische waarde ligt toenemen. Dit heeft gunstige gevolgen voor natuur en biodiversiteit.
Realiseren van de klimaatdoelen van Parijs (2015) is nodig om verdere opwarming van de aarde en de gevolgen daarvan zo veel mogelijk te voorkomen. Om aan de afspraken van Parijs te voldoen moet Nederland overstappen van fossiele brandstoffen op duurzame energiebronnen zoals zon en wind. Het (ontwerp-)Klimaatakkoord legt de maatregelen en afspraken voor deze energietransitie vast. Doel van het Klimaatakkoord is een vermindering van broeikasgassen met 49% in 2030 en met 95-100% in 2050.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy wants to identify the positive and negative consequences of the Climate Accord for safety, health and nature. RIVM has therefore investigated what the reduction of the current fossil energy sources (and the systems and techniques that would disappear as a result) means for safety, health and nature. The disappearance of fossil sources means that the measures in the Climate Accord can be beneficial for health, safety and nature. These benefits are relevant but also limited because CO2 reductions do not translate directly into reduced atmospheric pollution or safer living and working conditions. This is emphatically just a first exploration that gives a rough estimate at the national level. International measures can increase the benefits. This exploratory study does not take account of the possible consequences of the replacement energy systems and techniques. The main benefit for safety is the elimination of carbon monoxide poisoning that is due to natural gas systems being used in the home. If all houses are gasless by 2050, 10-50 fatalities a year will be prevented. In addition, sources of risk will disappear so that the risk of disasters with 10 or more fatalities from those sources disappears. The elimination of fuel transportation in particular is a major improvement. The main benefit for health is the replacement of combustion engines (petrol, diesel and gas) by electric motors. This reduces the amounts of nitrogen oxides and fine particulates in the air. It is estimated that these emissions may fall by 10% by 2030 in comparison to 2016. This will reduce the disease burden caused by air pollution by one per cent or more. A further decrease in nitrogen oxides and fine particulates is expected for 2050 as a result of climate measures, which can double that decrease in the disease burden. Exposure to diesel fumes and smoke in the workplace can lead to lung cancer and other conditions. The disappearance of diesel smoke can decrease the work-related disease burden by one per cent or more. Electric cars make less noise at low speeds, which reduces the noise nuisance in built-up areas. This can lead to a noise reduction of 1 decibel by 2030 and 3-4 decibels by 2050. If we can achieve a reduction of 3-4 decibels, the disease burden as a result of noise will decrease by 15-25%. The benefit of the Climate Accord for nature is a further decrease in nitrogen deposition. An additional reduction of approximately 10% by 2050 is possible. If that reduction is realised, the natural land area where nitrogen levels are below the critical value will increase. This has favourable consequences for nature and biodiversity. Realising the Paris climate objectives (2015) is necessary in order to prevent further global warming and its consequences as much as possible. To meet the Paris agreements, the Netherlands has to switch from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The draft Climate Accord defines the measures and agreements needed for this energy transition. The objective of the Climate Accord is to reduce greenhouse gases by 49% by 2030 and by 95-100% by 2050.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy wants to identify the positive and negative consequences of the Climate Accord for safety, health and nature. RIVM has therefore investigated what the reduction of the current fossil energy sources (and the systems and techniques that would disappear as a result) means for safety, health and nature. The disappearance of fossil sources means that the measures in the Climate Accord can be beneficial for health, safety and nature. These benefits are relevant but also limited because CO2 reductions do not translate directly into reduced atmospheric pollution or safer living and working conditions. This is emphatically just a first exploration that gives a rough estimate at the national level. International measures can increase the benefits. This exploratory study does not take account of the possible consequences of the replacement energy systems and techniques. The main benefit for safety is the elimination of carbon monoxide poisoning that is due to natural gas systems being used in the home. If all houses are gasless by 2050, 10-50 fatalities a year will be prevented. In addition, sources of risk will disappear so that the risk of disasters with 10 or more fatalities from those sources disappears. The elimination of fuel transportation in particular is a major improvement. The main benefit for health is the replacement of combustion engines (petrol, diesel and gas) by electric motors. This reduces the amounts of nitrogen oxides and fine particulates in the air. It is estimated that these emissions may fall by 10% by 2030 in comparison to 2016. This will reduce the disease burden caused by air pollution by one per cent or more. A further decrease in nitrogen oxides and fine particulates is expected for 2050 as a result of climate measures, which can double that decrease in the disease burden. Exposure to diesel fumes and smoke in the workplace can lead to lung cancer and other conditions. The disappearance of diesel smoke can decrease the work-related disease burden by one per cent or more. Electric cars make less noise at low speeds, which reduces the noise nuisance in built-up areas. This can lead to a noise reduction of 1 decibel by 2030 and 3-4 decibels by 2050. If we can achieve a reduction of 3-4 decibels, the disease burden as a result of noise will decrease by 15-25%. The benefit of the Climate Accord for nature is a further decrease in nitrogen deposition. An additional reduction of approximately 10% by 2050 is possible. If that reduction is realised, the natural land area where nitrogen levels are below the critical value will increase. This has favourable consequences for nature and biodiversity. Realising the Paris climate objectives (2015) is necessary in order to prevent further global warming and its consequences as much as possible. To meet the Paris agreements, the Netherlands has to switch from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The draft Climate Accord defines the measures and agreements needed for this energy transition. The objective of the Climate Accord is to reduce greenhouse gases by 49% by 2030 and by 95-100% by 2050.
Climate Accord: effects on health, safety and nature
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat