Adviesrapport: vernieuwde set Kernindicatoren Sport en Bewegen
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2023-0464
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Adviesrapport: vernieuwde set Kernindicatoren Sport en Bewegen
Translated Title
Advisory report: updated set of Key Indicators for sports and physical activity
Published in
In 2014 heeft de toenmalige minister van VWS 20 kernindicatoren benoemd om de ontwikkelingen van sport en bewegen op lange termijn te volgen. Deze kernindicatoren geven inzicht in de meest relevante cijfers over het sport- en beweeggedrag in Nederland en alles wat daarbij komt kijken. Denk aan sportfaciliteiten, werkgelegenheid in de sport, en een leefomgeving die uitnodigt om te bewegen. De 20 kernindicatoren zijn geƫvalueerd en aangepast om de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van sport en bewegen nu en in de toekomst beter te kunnen volgen. Het advies is om 25 kernindicatoren te gaan gebruiken: 18 van de 20 kernindicatoren blijven bestaan, 7 nieuwe zijn toegevoegd, 1 is geschrapt en 1 is samengevoegd met een bestaande kernindicator. Daarnaast is het advies om voor twee kernindicatoren een andere databron te gebruiken of de definitie te veranderen. Voor de meeste kernindicatoren zijn cijfers direct beschikbaar. Voor 7 kernindicatoren zijn die er nog niet. Daarvoor is het nodig om data te gaan verzamelen of een meetinstrument of rekenmethode te ontwikkelen. Het RIVM geeft dit advies vanuit het Netwerk Kernindicatoren Sport en Bewegen. In dit Netwerk zitten CBS, VeiligheidNL, NOC*NSF, het Mulier Instituut, Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen en het RIVM. Zij hebben samen bepaald welke kernindicatoren nog relevant zijn en behouden kunnen blijven, welke moeten worden aangepast en welke ontbraken. Ook beleidsmedewerkers van het ministerie van VWS, onderzoekers en medewerkers uit het werkveld van sport en bewegen zijn hierbij nauw betrokken geweest. Hierdoor is er veel draagvlak voor de vernieuwde set kernindicatoren. Het actuele overzicht van de kernindicatoren en de kengetallen die daarbij horen, is gepubliceerd op www.sportenbewegenincijfers.nl. Het netwerk blijft de kernindicatoren regelmatig meten, zodat ze door de jaren heen te vergelijken zijn en de kwaliteit hoog blijft.
In 2014, the former Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) designated 20 Key Indicators to monitor long-term trends in sports and physical activity. These Key Indicators offer insights into crucial statistics regarding sports and physical activity behaviours in the Netherlands, also encompassing aspects such as sports facilities, employment in sport and whether the living environment is conducive to physical activity. These 20 Key Indicators have been evaluated and adjusted to improve the monitoring of sports and physical activity, both now and in the future. The recommendation is to expand the set to 25 Key Indicators: retaining 18 of the current Key Indicators; introducing 7 new Key Indicators; removing 1 Key Indicator; and merging 1 Key Indicator with an existing Key Indicator. Additionally, the recommendation includes using a different data source or changing the definition for three Key Indicators. Figures are available for most Key Indicators, however, data for 7 of them are currently unavailable, necessitating the development of relevant measurement tools or calculation methods or collecting data for the first time. This advice is provided by RIVM in collaboration with the Key Indicators Network for Sports and Physical Activity. This network consists of Statistics Netherlands (CBS), VeiligheidNL, NOC*NSF, Mulier Instituut, Knowledge Centre for Sport & Physical Activity and RIVM. Together, they have determined which Key Indicators remain relevant and should be retained, which ones need adjustment and which ones were previously absent. Policymakers from the Ministry of VWS, along with researchers and professionals from the field of sports and physical activity, have also been closely involved in this process, ensuring strong support for the Key Indicators. An up-to-date overview of the Key Indicators and related figures is published on www.sportenbewegenincijfers.nl. The Network will continue to monitor these Key Indicators on a regular basis, ensuring comparability over time and maintaining high data quality.
In 2014, the former Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) designated 20 Key Indicators to monitor long-term trends in sports and physical activity. These Key Indicators offer insights into crucial statistics regarding sports and physical activity behaviours in the Netherlands, also encompassing aspects such as sports facilities, employment in sport and whether the living environment is conducive to physical activity. These 20 Key Indicators have been evaluated and adjusted to improve the monitoring of sports and physical activity, both now and in the future. The recommendation is to expand the set to 25 Key Indicators: retaining 18 of the current Key Indicators; introducing 7 new Key Indicators; removing 1 Key Indicator; and merging 1 Key Indicator with an existing Key Indicator. Additionally, the recommendation includes using a different data source or changing the definition for three Key Indicators. Figures are available for most Key Indicators, however, data for 7 of them are currently unavailable, necessitating the development of relevant measurement tools or calculation methods or collecting data for the first time. This advice is provided by RIVM in collaboration with the Key Indicators Network for Sports and Physical Activity. This network consists of Statistics Netherlands (CBS), VeiligheidNL, NOC*NSF, Mulier Instituut, Knowledge Centre for Sport & Physical Activity and RIVM. Together, they have determined which Key Indicators remain relevant and should be retained, which ones need adjustment and which ones were previously absent. Policymakers from the Ministry of VWS, along with researchers and professionals from the field of sports and physical activity, have also been closely involved in this process, ensuring strong support for the Key Indicators. An up-to-date overview of the Key Indicators and related figures is published on www.sportenbewegenincijfers.nl. The Network will continue to monitor these Key Indicators on a regular basis, ensuring comparability over time and maintaining high data quality.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM