Geluidhinder rond Nederlandse luchthavens : Monitoring, enquêtes en blootstelling-responsrelaties
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2019-0110
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Geluidhinder rond Nederlandse luchthavens : Monitoring, enquêtes en blootstelling-responsrelaties
Translated Title
Noise annoyance near airports in the Netherlands : Monitoring, surveys, and exposure-response relationships
Published in
De overheid stelt een maximum aan de hoeveelheid geluid die vliegtuigen mogen veroorzaken voor mensen die rond Nederlandse luchthavens wonen. Zo wordt de omvang van geluidhinder en nadelige gezondheidseffecten beperkt.
Om te kunnen volgen of dit beleid succesvol is, moet helder zijn waar enin hoeverre mensen last hebben van geluid van vliegverkeer. Dat kan door bewoners rond alle Nederlandse luchthavens regelmatig te vragen naar de geluidhinder die zij ervaren. Zo'n terugkerende enquête is een aanvulling op de berekening van de geluidhinder met een blootstelling-responsrelatie, en kan gebruikt worden om vast te stellen of de berekening van de geluidhinder nog klopt.
Ook kan de enquête in kaart brengen hoe de situatie tussen de luchthavens verschilt. Per luchthaven kan namelijk de hoeveelheid geluid verschillen, maar ook de leefomgeving en de plannen van de luchthavens om uit te breiden of te veranderen. Als het nodig is, kan de informatie uit de enquête worden gebruikt om beleid aan te passen aan de regionale situatie.
Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM. Volgens het RIVM is devierjaarlijkse GGD Gezondheidsmonitor geschikt als enquête om de ervaren geluidhinder van omwonenden vast te stellen en te vergelijken met de berekende hinder.
The government sets the maximum permissible level of noise from aircraft for people living near airports in the Netherlands. This protects them against noise annoyance and adverse health effects. To establish if policy produces the desired effect, the extent to which people are annoyed by the noise of air traffic and where, must be clear. This knowledge can be obtained by asking residents in the vicinity of all airports in the Netherlands, at regular intervals, to what degree they are bothered by aircraft noise. This kind of survey supplements the noise exposure calculations that are now in use. The survey can also be used to regularly determine whether the noise exposure calculations are still valid. In addition, the survey can identify differences between the situations in the vicinity of the various airports. Such differences are caused by differences in the noise level as well as differences in the living environment and the plans of the airports to expand or make relevant changes. If necessary, policy can be adjusted to take the regional situation into account. This was the conclusion of a study carried out by RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). According to RIVM, the GGD (Municipal Public Health Services) Health Monitor is a suitable tool for determining the level of noise pollution and annoyance experienced by local residents and to compare this with the calculated level of annoyance.
The government sets the maximum permissible level of noise from aircraft for people living near airports in the Netherlands. This protects them against noise annoyance and adverse health effects. To establish if policy produces the desired effect, the extent to which people are annoyed by the noise of air traffic and where, must be clear. This knowledge can be obtained by asking residents in the vicinity of all airports in the Netherlands, at regular intervals, to what degree they are bothered by aircraft noise. This kind of survey supplements the noise exposure calculations that are now in use. The survey can also be used to regularly determine whether the noise exposure calculations are still valid. In addition, the survey can identify differences between the situations in the vicinity of the various airports. Such differences are caused by differences in the noise level as well as differences in the living environment and the plans of the airports to expand or make relevant changes. If necessary, policy can be adjusted to take the regional situation into account. This was the conclusion of a study carried out by RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). According to RIVM, the GGD (Municipal Public Health Services) Health Monitor is a suitable tool for determining the level of noise pollution and annoyance experienced by local residents and to compare this with the calculated level of annoyance.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
Ministerie van I&W