Effecten van verplaatsing van agrarische ammoniakemissies: verkenning op provinciaal niveau
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Effecten van verplaatsing van agrarische ammoniakemissies: verkenning op provinciaal niveau
Translated Title
Effects of moving agricultural ammonia emissions: an analysis on provincial level
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Atmosferische depositie van stikstof vormt een van de belangrijkste gevaren voor natuurgebieden. Op grote schaal worden kritische depositiewaarden voor natuur aanzienlijk overschreden. Ammoniakemissies vanuit de landbouw dragen voor ongeveer de helft bij aan de stikstofdepositie in Nederland. Voor natuurgebieden is deze bijdrage vaak hoger omdat natuurgebieden veelal dicht bij landbouwgebieden liggen. Dit biedt mogelijkheden voor de rijks- en provinciale overheden om de hoge stikstof belasting te reduceren door het verplaatsen van ammoniakemissies. Ammoniakemissies worden zodanig verplaatst zodat, gegeven een emissieplafond, de overschrijding van de kritische depositie van natuurgebieden minimaal is. Optimale verplaatsing van ammoniakemissies voor 2010 (uitgaande van 93 kton ammoniak vanuit de landbouw) leidt tot een vermindering van de overschrijdingen van de kritische deposities van 30-40%. Het aandeel natuur dat beschermd wordt tegen een overschrijding van de kritische depositie neemt toe van 30 naar 40-50%. Een verkenning voor 2030 laat zien dat de totale overschrijding door optimale verplaatsing afneemt met 40-60%. Deze resultaten zijn sterk afhankelijk van de veronderstellingen die worden gemaakt over de ontwikkeling van de landbouwsector.<br>
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen is one of the most important threats to nature areas in the Netherlands. At a large scale the critical loads for nitrogen are exceeded to a great extend. Ammonia emissions from agricultural activities contribute over 50% to the nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands. For nature areas, this contribution can be even higher because agricultural areas are often situated close to nature areas. This offers special opportunities for (sub) national policy makers to reduce the large nitrogen loads at a local scale by relocating ammonia emissions. In this study the ammonia emissions are relocated in such a way that nature areas are maximally protected given a national emission ceiling. This is carried out by minimising the exceedances of the critical loads for nitrogen for the nature areas and taken into account the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen from other sources and countries. This optimisation is carried out at a spatial scale of 1x1 km2. For the ammonia emissions for 2010 (93 kton) an optimisation of the distribution of the emissions leads to a reduction in the accumulated exceedances of about 30-40%. The percentages of the nature areas that is protected against the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen increases from 30% to 40-50%. An outlook for 2030 shows that the reductions in the accumulated exceedances are 40-60% but that the percentage of protection is increased by only a few percent. The results are highly dependent on the assumptions made about the development of the agricultural practice. The effect of these relocations is used in the evaluation on whether local measures are effective compared to generic measures in reducing agricultural ammonia emissions.<br>
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen is one of the most important threats to nature areas in the Netherlands. At a large scale the critical loads for nitrogen are exceeded to a great extend. Ammonia emissions from agricultural activities contribute over 50% to the nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands. For nature areas, this contribution can be even higher because agricultural areas are often situated close to nature areas. This offers special opportunities for (sub) national policy makers to reduce the large nitrogen loads at a local scale by relocating ammonia emissions. In this study the ammonia emissions are relocated in such a way that nature areas are maximally protected given a national emission ceiling. This is carried out by minimising the exceedances of the critical loads for nitrogen for the nature areas and taken into account the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen from other sources and countries. This optimisation is carried out at a spatial scale of 1x1 km2. For the ammonia emissions for 2010 (93 kton) an optimisation of the distribution of the emissions leads to a reduction in the accumulated exceedances of about 30-40%. The percentages of the nature areas that is protected against the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen increases from 30% to 40-50%. An outlook for 2030 shows that the reductions in the accumulated exceedances are 40-60% but that the percentage of protection is increased by only a few percent. The results are highly dependent on the assumptions made about the development of the agricultural practice. The effect of these relocations is used in the evaluation on whether local measures are effective compared to generic measures in reducing agricultural ammonia emissions.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Interprovinciaal Overleg (IPO)
Interprovinciaal Overleg (IPO)