Biennial Pattern of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in The Netherlands and a Shifting Age Distribution Following a Low Rotavirus Season, 2010-2016.
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Journal Issue
Biennial Pattern of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in The Netherlands and a Shifting Age Distribution Following a Low Rotavirus Season, 2010-2016.
Translated Title
Published in
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2018; advance online publication (ahead of print)
A hyper-endemic rotavirus season was expected after a low-endemic 2014 season in the Netherlands. Rotavirus detections were however similar in 2015 and lower in 2016 compared with 2010-2013. Gastroenteritis consultations rates were also similar in 2015, but the age-distribution shifted to older children due to an accumulation of non-infected children. Results indicate a possible shift to a biennial rotavirus pattern.