Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Uncertainty Analysis of the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances (USES)
Translated Title
Onzekerheidsanalyse van het Uniforme Beoordelingssysteem Stoffen (UBS)
Published in
UBS, het Uniforme Beoordelingssysteem Stoffen (in het engels: USES), is een beslissings-ondersteunend gereedschap voor een snelle, kwantitatieve risico-analyse van een chemische stof gedurende zijn levenscyclus. Risico-analyse is een inherent onzeker proces door de beperkte beschikbaarheid van invoergegevens, en gebrek aan kennis. Verder vertonen veel modelparameters natuurlijke variatie (zoals bijvoorbeeld de stroomsnelheid van een rivier). Een grondige modelanalyse is daarom aan te bevelen. Onzekerheidsanalyse toont de gebruiker van een model de onzekerheidsmarge van het eindresultaat (de risico-quotienten of PEC/NEC ratio's). Zo kan de onzekerheid worden meegenomen in de te nemen beslissing door de kans op een verkeerde beslissing aan te geven. Een bijkomend voordeel is de mogelijkheid tot sturing van verder onderzoek door de grootste bronnen van onzekerheid in het eindresultaat te identificeren. Dit kan effectief gebruikt worden om een risico-analyse te verfijnen. Versie 1.0 van UBS bevatte reeds een beperkte onzekerheidsanalyse voor de aquatische organismen en de micro-organismen in de rioolwaterzuivering. In dit rapport wordt de onzekerheidsanalyse uitgebreid naar de andere beschermingsdoelen (mensen, terrestrische organismen, vis- en wormetende vogels en zoogdieren). Alleen het lokale blootstellingsmodel is onderzocht. Door het technische karakter is dit rapport met name bedoeld ten behoeve van de verdere ontwikkeling van UBS. De beschreven simpele analytische methode is beperkt tot multiplicatieve modellen met lognormale onzekerheden. Het voordeel van deze methode is dat een exact antwoord op een snelle manier berekend kan worden. Niet alle berekeningen zijn echter multiplicatief. Daarom moeten voor verscheidene delen van het systeem Monte Carlo methoden worden toegepast. Een eenmalige onzekerheidsanalyse van UBS is niet mogelijk omdat de onzekerheid in het eindresultaat anders zal zijn bij verschillende stofeigenschappen. De analyse moet dus door de gebruiker van UBS gedaan kunnen worden bij elke stof die doorgerekend wordt. Dit stelt natuurlijk beperkingen aan de computertijd die nodig is voor de onzekerheidsberekeningen. Elke berekening of model van UBS 1.0 wordt apart besproken voor wat betreft de onzekerheden. Verder worden de onzekerheden gekwantificeerd. In veel gevallen is dit door een nauwkeurige gegevensanalyse gebeurd, in een aantal gevallen werd gebruik gemaakt van expert judgement. Niet alle bronnen van onzekerheid kunnen worden gekwantificeerd. Alleen de onzekerheid en/of variabiliteit in modelparameters is meegenomen. De onzekerheid ten gevolge van het blootstellingsscenario kan bijvoorbeeld niet worden gekwantificeerd. Verder dienen de onzekerheden in de extrapolatie van No-Effect Concentrations (NEC's) voor ecosystemen nader onderzocht te worden. Daarom moet de absolute waarde van de onzekerheid in het eindresultaat niet overschat worden. Bij de interpretatie van de risicoquotienten met hun onzekerheidsmarge dienen de genoemde beperkingen in overweging te worden genomen. Grondig testen van de voorgestelde onzekerheidsanalyse is daarom aan te raden (testen kan mogelijk in 1995 plaatsvinden).<br>
USES, the Uniform System for Evaluation of Substances, is a decision-supporting tool, that can be used for rapid, quantitative risk assessments of chemical substances during their life-cycle. Risk assessment is an inherently uncertain process due to the limited data availability and lack of knowledge. Furthermore, many model parameters exhibit natural variability (e.g., the flow rate of a river). Therefore, a thorough model analysis is advisable. Uncertainty analysis shows the user of a model what amount of uncertainty accompanies the model's results (the risk quotients or PEC/NEC ratios). In this manner, the uncertainty can be taken into account in decision-making by indicating the probability that a wrong decision is made. An additional benefit is that uncertainty analysis can steer data gathering or research by pointing out the main sources of uncertainty in the model's results. This can be used effectively, to refine a risk assessment. Version 1.0 of USES already contained a limited uncertainty analysis for the aquatic organisms and the micro-organisms in the sewage treatment plant. In this report, the uncertainty analysis is extended to the other groups to be protected (humans, terrestrial organisms, predating birds and mammals). In this report, only the local exposure model is examined. Due to its technical nature, this report is primarily meant for the further development of USES. The described simple analytical method to combine uncertainties is limited to multiplicative models and lognormal uncertainties. The advantage of this method is that an exact answer can be calculated very rapidly. However, not all calculations are multiplicative. Therefore, we have to resort to Monte Carlo approaches for several parts of the system. One single uncertainty analysis of USES is not possible as the uncertainty in the model's result will vary for different substance properties. Therefore, the analysis must be performed 'on-line' by the user, for each substance to be assessed. Naturally, this poses restrictions on the computer time required for the uncertainty calculations. Each calculation or model of USES 1.0 is discussed separately with respect to uncertainty. Furthermore, uncertainties in parameters are quantified. In many cases, this is done by a thorough data analysis, in some cases by expert judgement. Not all sources of uncertainty can be quantified. Only uncertainty and/or variability in model parameters is taken into account. Uncertainty due to the exposure scenario cannot be quantified. Furthermore, the uncertainties in the extrapolation procedure of No-Effect Concentrations (NECs) for ecosystems, need further examination. Therefore, the absolute value of the uncertainty in the model's result must not be exaggerated. In the interpretation of risk quotients with their uncertainties, the limitations mentioned need to be taken into consideration. A thorough testing of the proposed uncertainty analysis is therefore, advisable (testing may take place in 1995).<br>
USES, the Uniform System for Evaluation of Substances, is a decision-supporting tool, that can be used for rapid, quantitative risk assessments of chemical substances during their life-cycle. Risk assessment is an inherently uncertain process due to the limited data availability and lack of knowledge. Furthermore, many model parameters exhibit natural variability (e.g., the flow rate of a river). Therefore, a thorough model analysis is advisable. Uncertainty analysis shows the user of a model what amount of uncertainty accompanies the model's results (the risk quotients or PEC/NEC ratios). In this manner, the uncertainty can be taken into account in decision-making by indicating the probability that a wrong decision is made. An additional benefit is that uncertainty analysis can steer data gathering or research by pointing out the main sources of uncertainty in the model's results. This can be used effectively, to refine a risk assessment. Version 1.0 of USES already contained a limited uncertainty analysis for the aquatic organisms and the micro-organisms in the sewage treatment plant. In this report, the uncertainty analysis is extended to the other groups to be protected (humans, terrestrial organisms, predating birds and mammals). In this report, only the local exposure model is examined. Due to its technical nature, this report is primarily meant for the further development of USES. The described simple analytical method to combine uncertainties is limited to multiplicative models and lognormal uncertainties. The advantage of this method is that an exact answer can be calculated very rapidly. However, not all calculations are multiplicative. Therefore, we have to resort to Monte Carlo approaches for several parts of the system. One single uncertainty analysis of USES is not possible as the uncertainty in the model's result will vary for different substance properties. Therefore, the analysis must be performed 'on-line' by the user, for each substance to be assessed. Naturally, this poses restrictions on the computer time required for the uncertainty calculations. Each calculation or model of USES 1.0 is discussed separately with respect to uncertainty. Furthermore, uncertainties in parameters are quantified. In many cases, this is done by a thorough data analysis, in some cases by expert judgement. Not all sources of uncertainty can be quantified. Only uncertainty and/or variability in model parameters is taken into account. Uncertainty due to the exposure scenario cannot be quantified. Furthermore, the uncertainties in the extrapolation procedure of No-Effect Concentrations (NECs) for ecosystems, need further examination. Therefore, the absolute value of the uncertainty in the model's result must not be exaggerated. In the interpretation of risk quotients with their uncertainties, the limitations mentioned need to be taken into consideration. A thorough testing of the proposed uncertainty analysis is therefore, advisable (testing may take place in 1995).<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM