Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 680704008
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Jaaroverzicht Luchtkwaliteit 2008
Translated Title
Air quality in the Netherlands in 2008
Published in
In Nederland zijn in 2008 enkele overschrijdingen van de Europese normen voor de luchtkwaliteit gemeten. Net als in 2007 jaar waren mede door gunstigere weersomstandigheden de overschrijdingen in 2008 minder hoog en frequent dan in voorgaande jaren. Incidenteel deden zich wel hoge concentraties voor. Vooral tijdens de jaarwisseling van 2008/2009 was de concentratie fijn stof in een groot deel van Nederland (wederom) zeer hoog door de combinatie van mist, weinig wind en vuurwerk. Dit blijkt uit meetresultaten van het Landelijk Meentnet Luchtkwaliteit (LML) van het RIVM. Het jaaroverzicht geeft een overzicht van de gemeten en deels berekende luchtkwaliteit. In 2008 waren er geen dagen met ernstige smog door ozon (concentraties boven de Europese alarmdrempel). De jaargemiddelde concentraties van stikstofdioxide (NO2) zijn in 2008 iets hoger dan in 2007 en vergelijkbaar met 2006. Op het merendeel van de meetlocaties in straten, waar het verkeer in hoge mate bijdraagt aan de stikstofdioxideconcentratie, ligt de jaargemiddelde concentratie boven de EU-norm. De fijnstofconcentraties (PM10) zijn daarentegen ten opzichte van 2007 met gemiddeld 2 microgram per kubieke meter afgenomen. Op de LML-meetlocaties zijn de EU-normen voor fijnstofconcentraties niet overschreden.
Results from the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network (LML) show that in 2008 some exceedances of a few European air quality limit values were measured in the Netherlands. However,similar to 2007, the exceedances were less high and frequent than some years before due to more favorable weather conditions. incidently, high concentrations did occur this year. Especially during both the 2007th and 2008th New Year's Eve, when a very high level of PM10 occurred inside, and even outside, many urban areas due to a combination of fireworks, mist and low windspeeds.
Ozone concentrations above the alert threshold (smog alert) were not observed in 2008. Exceedance of limit values for nitrogen dioxide occured especially at traffic dominated monitoring sites. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations at rural backgroud locations remained fairly stable during the last few years and are lower than the limit value. The maximum number of days with PM10-concentrations above the limit value is not exceededed at any of the monitoring sites in 2008. On average, the 2008 year average concentrations PM10 declined with approximately 2 ug/m3 compared to 2007.
Results from the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network (LML) show that in 2008 some exceedances of a few European air quality limit values were measured in the Netherlands. However,similar to 2007, the exceedances were less high and frequent than some years before due to more favorable weather conditions. incidently, high concentrations did occur this year. Especially during both the 2007th and 2008th New Year's Eve, when a very high level of PM10 occurred inside, and even outside, many urban areas due to a combination of fireworks, mist and low windspeeds.
Ozone concentrations above the alert threshold (smog alert) were not observed in 2008. Exceedance of limit values for nitrogen dioxide occured especially at traffic dominated monitoring sites. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations at rural backgroud locations remained fairly stable during the last few years and are lower than the limit value. The maximum number of days with PM10-concentrations above the limit value is not exceededed at any of the monitoring sites in 2008. On average, the 2008 year average concentrations PM10 declined with approximately 2 ug/m3 compared to 2007.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM