Towards development of a deposition monitoring network for air pollution of Europe ; Deposition monitoring over the Speulder forest
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Towards development of a deposition monitoring
network for air pollution of Europe ; Deposition monitoring over the
Speulder forest
Translated Title
Droge depositiemonitoring in het Speulder bos: 1.
Projectbeschrijving en eindresultaten
Published in
In 1990 werd het 'Project Speuld' gestart dat tot doel
had een depositie-monitoring opstelling voor verzurende komponenten boven
het Speulderbos te implementeren ten behoeve van het continu bepalen van de
depositie op het bos en daarmee het beleid onafhankelijk te kunnen
evalueren. Het meetpunt Speulder bos zou uiteindelijk onderdeel moeten
worden van het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit van het RIVM. In 1993 werd
vanuit het LIFE project van de Europese Commissie DG XI het project 'Towards
the development of a deposition monitoring network for air pollution of
Europe' gefinancierd. Het doel van dit project was het ontwikkelen en
implementeren van een depositiemonitoring-methode voor luchtverontreiniging
in Europa. Een dergelijke methode zou gebruikt moeten worden als
uitbreiding van bestaande Europese monitoring netwerken voor het meten van
luchtconcentraties om depositieschattingen op ecosysteem-schaal te kunnen
maken. In dit project werd een drietal monitoringstations ontworpen welke
op drie plaatsen in Europa gedurende een jaar werden ingezet: Auchencorth,
in een semi-natuurlijke lage vegetatie in Schotland ; Melpitz, in een
grasland in Duitsland en Speulder bos, een Douglas sparrenbos in Nederland.
Dit project betekende een uitbreiding van het project Speuld, waardoor er
een uitbreiding van gemeten componenten plaats vond en verbetering
aangebracht kon worden in bestaande methoden. Dit rapport beschrijft de
resultaten van het deel van het LIFE project dat is uitgevoerd in het
Speulder bos. Daarnaast kan dit rapport beschouwd worden als de
eindrapportage van het project Speuld.
In 1990 a project started which was aimed at developing a monitoring method of SO2, NH3 and NO2 to Speulder forest. In January 1993, within the framework of the LIFE programme a project was financed which aim was to develop a deposition monitoring method for air pollution of Europe. This method should be used to extend existing European monitoring networks of air concentrations to provide deposition inputs on an ecosystem scale. Within this LIFE project, a monitoring station for atmospheric deposition was designed and constructed using existing methods, of which some were already installed at Speulder forest. Three such stations were applied in a pilot project for a year on three sites in different regions in Europe to estimate local inputs and to validate deposition models which are currently developed for estimation of ecosystem-specific deposition in Europe. Installation was completed by the end of 1994. One year of monitoring was executed in 1995, of which the results are presented in this report. The equipment for flux measurements provided continuous high quality data for all major gaseous and particulate pollutants throughout the range of pollution climates present in Central and Northern Europe. The monitoring facility was therefore highly successful.
In 1990 a project started which was aimed at developing a monitoring method of SO2, NH3 and NO2 to Speulder forest. In January 1993, within the framework of the LIFE programme a project was financed which aim was to develop a deposition monitoring method for air pollution of Europe. This method should be used to extend existing European monitoring networks of air concentrations to provide deposition inputs on an ecosystem scale. Within this LIFE project, a monitoring station for atmospheric deposition was designed and constructed using existing methods, of which some were already installed at Speulder forest. Three such stations were applied in a pilot project for a year on three sites in different regions in Europe to estimate local inputs and to validate deposition models which are currently developed for estimation of ecosystem-specific deposition in Europe. Installation was completed by the end of 1994. One year of monitoring was executed in 1995, of which the results are presented in this report. The equipment for flux measurements provided continuous high quality data for all major gaseous and particulate pollutants throughout the range of pollution climates present in Central and Northern Europe. The monitoring facility was therefore highly successful.