Gezonde Generaties 2050. Themaverkenning bij de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2024-0046
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Gezonde Generaties 2050. Themaverkenning bij de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
Translated Title
Healthy Generations 2050. Theme issue of the Public Health Foresight study 2024
Published in
Het RIVM verkent in dit onderdeel van de Volksgezondheid Toekomstverkenning (VTV) hoe de mentale en lichamelijke gezondheid en leefstijl van twee generaties er in 2050 uitziet. Het gaat om de jongeren die nu 12-24 jaar zijn en om de vijftigplussers (50-67-jarigen) van nu. Bij beide generaties hebben maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen en grote veranderingen tijdens hun leven veel invloed op hun toekomstige gezondheid en leefstijl. De mentale gezondheid van de jongeren van nu zal in 2050 naar verwachting hetzelfde zijn, of iets verbeteren. Dit komt door een samenspel van positieve en negatieve invloeden. De negatieve effecten van de coronacrisis nemen naar verwachting langzaam af. Deze verbetering kan worden afgeremd door de effecten op de lange termijn van de psychische klachten en stoornissen die nu vaak voorkomen bij jongeren. Mogelijk werken de huidige psychische klachten door in hun mentale gezondheid in de toekomst. Veel jongeren hebben nu al overgewicht waardoor de kans groter is dat ze ook in de toekomst te zwaar zullen zijn. Verder is bekend dat jongeren minder bewegen en zwaarder worden na grote veranderingen in het leven, zoals gaan studeren, trouwen/samenwonen en een eerste kind krijgen. Dat is van alle tijden, maar het is vooral zorgelijk als ze al overgewicht hebben. Ook wordt overgewicht via sociaaleconomische omstandigheden en leefstijlvoorkeuren van generatie op generatie doorgegeven. De mentale gezondheid van de huidige vijftigplussers zal naar verwachting minder goed zijn in 2050. Dat komt omdat zaken die een negatieve invloed op de mentale gezondheid hebben, zoals eenzaamheid, mantelzorg geven en financiële bestaansonzekerheid, in de toekomst vaker zullen voorkomen. De positieve invloed op de mentale gezondheid van met pensioen gaan wordt mogelijk afgezwakt door de verhoging van de AOW-leeftijd. Nu al heeft ongeveer 60 procent van de vijftigplussers overgewicht, en in 2050 zal dat in deze groep nog vaker voorkomen. En daarmee komen ook chronische aandoeningen die met overgewicht te maken hebben, zoals hart- en vaatziekten vaker voor. Meer bewegen op middelbare leeftijd is goed voor de gezondheid later in het leven, maar nog niet de helft van deze generatie beweegt nu genoeg. Samen zullen deze zaken een grote stempel drukken op de gezondheid en het fysiek functioneren van de huidige vijftigplussers in 2050.
In this part of the Dutch Public Health Foresight study (PHF), RIVM explores what the mental and physical health and lifestyles of two generations will look like in 2050. The focus is on the generation of people who are currently 12-25 years old and on the current generation of middle-aged people (50-67 years old). In both generations societal developments and life-events during their lifecourse will have a significant influence on their future health. The mental health of today's young people is expected to be similar in 2050, or to have improved slightly. This is the net result of various positive and negative influences. In this generation, the negative effects of the coronacrisis are expected to steadily diminish. This gradual improvement may be slowed down by the long-term effect of mental health issues and disorders that are currently prevalent among young people. These current issues may give them a higher risk of mental problems in the future. Many young people are already overweight, which gives them a higher risk of being overweight in the future. Furthermore, following significant changes in their lives, such as starting a degree programme, getting married or moving in with someone, or having a child, they face a greater chance of exercising less and gaining weight. This is and has been the case for every generation of young people, but it is especially worrisome when people are already overweight. In addition, overweight is something that can be passed on from one generation to the next, through socioeconomic circumstances and lifestyle preferences. The mental health of people who are currently over the age of 50 is expected to be worse in 2050. This is because matters that negatively impact mental health, such as loneliness, providing informal care and financial insecurity, will be more ubiquitous among this generation in the future. The positive impact on mental health associated with retirement may be attenuated by the higher state-pension age. Nowadays, around 60 per cent of people aged over 50 are already overweight, and this number will have increased even further for this generation by 2050. This will be accompanied by chronic conditions associated with overweight, such as cardiovascular disease. If middleaged people would be more physically active, this would be beneficial for their health later in life, but not even half of this generation is currently getting enough physical activity. Taken together, these lifestyle factors will have a considerable negative impact on their health and physical functioning in 2050.
In this part of the Dutch Public Health Foresight study (PHF), RIVM explores what the mental and physical health and lifestyles of two generations will look like in 2050. The focus is on the generation of people who are currently 12-25 years old and on the current generation of middle-aged people (50-67 years old). In both generations societal developments and life-events during their lifecourse will have a significant influence on their future health. The mental health of today's young people is expected to be similar in 2050, or to have improved slightly. This is the net result of various positive and negative influences. In this generation, the negative effects of the coronacrisis are expected to steadily diminish. This gradual improvement may be slowed down by the long-term effect of mental health issues and disorders that are currently prevalent among young people. These current issues may give them a higher risk of mental problems in the future. Many young people are already overweight, which gives them a higher risk of being overweight in the future. Furthermore, following significant changes in their lives, such as starting a degree programme, getting married or moving in with someone, or having a child, they face a greater chance of exercising less and gaining weight. This is and has been the case for every generation of young people, but it is especially worrisome when people are already overweight. In addition, overweight is something that can be passed on from one generation to the next, through socioeconomic circumstances and lifestyle preferences. The mental health of people who are currently over the age of 50 is expected to be worse in 2050. This is because matters that negatively impact mental health, such as loneliness, providing informal care and financial insecurity, will be more ubiquitous among this generation in the future. The positive impact on mental health associated with retirement may be attenuated by the higher state-pension age. Nowadays, around 60 per cent of people aged over 50 are already overweight, and this number will have increased even further for this generation by 2050. This will be accompanied by chronic conditions associated with overweight, such as cardiovascular disease. If middleaged people would be more physically active, this would be beneficial for their health later in life, but not even half of this generation is currently getting enough physical activity. Taken together, these lifestyle factors will have a considerable negative impact on their health and physical functioning in 2050.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM