Monsterneming en monstervoorbewerking van produkten gemaakt van primaire en secondaire grondstoffen
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Monsterneming en monstervoorbewerking van produkten
gemaakt van primaire en secondaire grondstoffen
Translated Title
Sampling and sample preparation of products
manufactured from primary and secondary materials.
Published in
Abstract niet beschikbaar
The joint research project 'Environmental implications of useful applications of primary and secondary materials to be used on or in the soil' has been carried out by four institutes i.e. RIVM, ECN, TNO, and INTRON. In this research project a comparison has been made between the environmental implications if primary (natural) materials would be replaced by secondary (waste) materials in road constructions and building materials. Moreover, the results may contribute to the regulation of the application of secondary materials. All products had been manufactured by Intron on laboratory scale but bricks and lytag by manufacturers on plant scale. This report concerns the sampling and sample preparation of 28 building materials (Table 1) manufactured from secondary and primary materials. This part of the project was carried out by the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM).
The joint research project 'Environmental implications of useful applications of primary and secondary materials to be used on or in the soil' has been carried out by four institutes i.e. RIVM, ECN, TNO, and INTRON. In this research project a comparison has been made between the environmental implications if primary (natural) materials would be replaced by secondary (waste) materials in road constructions and building materials. Moreover, the results may contribute to the regulation of the application of secondary materials. All products had been manufactured by Intron on laboratory scale but bricks and lytag by manufacturers on plant scale. This report concerns the sampling and sample preparation of 28 building materials (Table 1) manufactured from secondary and primary materials. This part of the project was carried out by the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM).