Environmental Risk Limits in The Netherlands
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Environmental Risk Limits in The
Translated Title
Risiconiveaus voor milieukwaliteit in
Published in
Het huidige rapport Environmental Risk Limits in The
Netherlands van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu bevat
risiconiveaus voor water, sediment, bodem en lucht, die in de laatste 10
jaar zijn verkregen in het kader van het project "Integrale Normstelling
Stoffen" (INS). Het doel van dit rapport is op een overzichtelijke manier
de methodieken om risiconiveaus voor milieukwaliteit af te leiden, te
presenteren aan geinteresseerden die zijn betrokken bij
milieurisicobeoordeling of -beheer. Deze risiconiveaus zijn de basis voor
de niet-wettelijke milieukwaliteitsnormen die in het Nederlandse
milieubeleid worden gebruikt. De normen, hun toepassing en de beleidskaders
staan beschreven in het beleidsdocument: Integrale Normstelling Stoffen.
Milieukwaliteitsnormen bodem, water, lucht. Interdepartementale Werkgroep
Integrale Normstelling Stoffen, VROM 97759/h/12-97, zoals afgeleid binnen
INS. Het huidige rapport geeft een overzicht van de risiconiveaus, het
Maximaal Toelaatbaar Risiconiveau (MTR) en het Verwaarloosbaar Risiconiveau
(VR) voor ongeveer 200 verbindingen
This report, produced by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), documents risk limits, i.e. Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) and Negligible Concentrations (NCs) for approximately 200 substances in water, soil, sediment and air from the last decade in the framework of the project, 'Setting Integrated Environmental Quality Standards'. The objective was to present the procedures to derive the environmental risk limits to interested parties involved in environmental policy or environmental risk assessment of chemical substances. These risk limits are the non-regulatory standards used in the Dutch environmental policy. These environmental quality standards, their application and policy framework are described in the policy document: Setting Integrated Environmental Quality Standards: environmental standards for soil, water and air. (Ministry of VROM 97759/h/12-97).
This report, produced by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), documents risk limits, i.e. Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) and Negligible Concentrations (NCs) for approximately 200 substances in water, soil, sediment and air from the last decade in the framework of the project, 'Setting Integrated Environmental Quality Standards'. The objective was to present the procedures to derive the environmental risk limits to interested parties involved in environmental policy or environmental risk assessment of chemical substances. These risk limits are the non-regulatory standards used in the Dutch environmental policy. These environmental quality standards, their application and policy framework are described in the policy document: Setting Integrated Environmental Quality Standards: environmental standards for soil, water and air. (Ministry of VROM 97759/h/12-97).
Part I-III = NLG 70; Part IV = NLG