Monitor Valpreventie 2020-2022. Terug- en vooruitblik
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2023-0384
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Monitor Valpreventie 2020-2022. Terug- en vooruitblik
Translated Title
Monitor Fall Prevention 2020–2022. Looking back and forward
Published in
Een val kan grote impact hebben op het leven van ouderen. Gemeenten en zorgverleners werken sinds 2023 samen om risicofactoren te verminderen. Dit doen ze door activiteiten voor valpreventie aan te bieden, waarbij er onder andere aandacht is voor zicht, balans en spierkracht.
In opdracht van het ministerie van VWS(Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport ) heeft het RIVM een monitor opgezet. Het RIVM volgt daarmee vanaf 2023 elk jaar het proces, de voortgang en resultaten van de ‘ketenaanpak’ van gemeenten en zorgverleners. Het doel is meer zicht te krijgen op het aanbod van valpreventie activiteiten voor thuiswonende 65-plussers, hoeveel mensen eraan meedoen en de toe- of afname van het aantal ziekenhuisopnames door valongelukken.
Het RIVM presenteert nu de eerste resultaten. Als voorbereiding op de monitor is de beschikbare informatie verzameld over de jaren 2020 tot en met 2022. Hieruit blijkt dat het aantal 65-plussers dat na een val in het ziekenhuis terechtkomt is gestegen in de periode 2020-2022. In totaal kwamen in deze drie jaren 325.000 65-plussers na een val op de spoedeisende hulp terecht en bijna 124.000 in het ziekenhuis. Ruim 16.000 65-plussers zijn in deze periode overleden na een val. Ook blijkt uit de beschikbare informatie dat er 414 trainers voor valpreventie zijn opgeleid. De komende jaren komen er meer data beschikbaar. Een overzicht van de beschikbare informatie is opgenomen in dit rapport.
Dit rapport beschrijft ook uit welke onderdelen de monitor Valpreventie vanaf 2024 bestaat. Zo wordt via vragenlijsten informatie gevraagd bij gemeenten en zorgverzekeraars. Bijvoorbeeld of en hoe zij 65-plussers met een grotere kans om te vallen opsporen en hoeveel 65-plussers eraan meedoen. Daarnaast gaat het RIVM zorg- en welzijnsmedewerkers en ouderen interviewen over hun ervaringen met de ketenaanpak Valpreventie.
Gemeenten hebben vanaf 2024 de taak gekregen om de ketenaanpak valpreventie in te richten. Voor de monitor gaan zij onder andere registreren hoeveel interventies voor valpreventie zij aanbieden, hoeveel ouderen daaraan meedoen en of zij ‘doorstromen’ naar beweegprogramma’s binnen de gemeente.
A fall can have a huge impact on the life of an older adult. Since 2023, municipalities and care providers have been working together to reduce risk factors, by offering fall prevention activities. Which includes, among other things, focusing on vision, sense of balance and muscular strength. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has commissioned the RIVM to set up a monitor Fall Prevention. As of 2023, RIVM will be using this monitor on an annual basis to track the process, progress and results of municipalities and care providers in the ‘chain approach’. The aim is to provide insight into the fall prevention activities being offered, how many people are taking part and whether the number of hospitalizations due to falling accidents is decreasing. RIVM is now presenting the first results. As a preparation for the future Fall prevention monitors, it collected the available information for the years 2020–2022. According to this information, the number of people aged 65 and over who end up in a hospital after a fall rose in the period 2020-2022. In total, 325.000 people aged 65 and over ended up in emergency care after a fall over the course of the past three years, and almost 124.000 ended up in a hospital. During the same period, over 16.000 people aged 65 and over passed away after a fall. The available information also shows that 414 people were trained as fall prevention coaches. More data will become available over the coming years. An overview of the available information is included in this report. This report also includes a description of the components which will make up the Monitor Fall Prevention from 2024 onwards. For example, questionnaires will be used to gather information from municipalities and insurers about whether and how they try to identify people aged 65 and over who are more likely to fall, and the number of people aged 65 and over that participate in a fall prevention intervention. In addition, RIVM will interview care and welfare workers and elderly people about their experiences with the fall prevention chain approach. As of 2024, all municipalities have been given the task of setting up the chain approach for fall prevention. Among other things, they will register for the monitor the number of fall prevention activities they offer, how many older adults take part and whether there is an option for them to proceed onto physical exercise programmes within the municipality after taking part in a fall prevention intervention.
A fall can have a huge impact on the life of an older adult. Since 2023, municipalities and care providers have been working together to reduce risk factors, by offering fall prevention activities. Which includes, among other things, focusing on vision, sense of balance and muscular strength. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has commissioned the RIVM to set up a monitor Fall Prevention. As of 2023, RIVM will be using this monitor on an annual basis to track the process, progress and results of municipalities and care providers in the ‘chain approach’. The aim is to provide insight into the fall prevention activities being offered, how many people are taking part and whether the number of hospitalizations due to falling accidents is decreasing. RIVM is now presenting the first results. As a preparation for the future Fall prevention monitors, it collected the available information for the years 2020–2022. According to this information, the number of people aged 65 and over who end up in a hospital after a fall rose in the period 2020-2022. In total, 325.000 people aged 65 and over ended up in emergency care after a fall over the course of the past three years, and almost 124.000 ended up in a hospital. During the same period, over 16.000 people aged 65 and over passed away after a fall. The available information also shows that 414 people were trained as fall prevention coaches. More data will become available over the coming years. An overview of the available information is included in this report. This report also includes a description of the components which will make up the Monitor Fall Prevention from 2024 onwards. For example, questionnaires will be used to gather information from municipalities and insurers about whether and how they try to identify people aged 65 and over who are more likely to fall, and the number of people aged 65 and over that participate in a fall prevention intervention. In addition, RIVM will interview care and welfare workers and elderly people about their experiences with the fall prevention chain approach. As of 2024, all municipalities have been given the task of setting up the chain approach for fall prevention. Among other things, they will register for the monitor the number of fall prevention activities they offer, how many older adults take part and whether there is an option for them to proceed onto physical exercise programmes within the municipality after taking part in a fall prevention intervention.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM