EURL-Salmonella Proficiency Test food-feed 2019 : Detection of Salmonella in flaxseed
Series / Report no.
RIVM report 2019-0134
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
EURL-Salmonella Proficiency Test food-feed 2019 : Detection of Salmonella in flaxseed
Translated Title
EURL-Salmonella ringonderzoek voedsel-diervoeder 201 : Detectie van Salmonella in lijnzaad
Published in
In maart 2019 organiseerde het EURL-Salmonella een ringonderzoek om Salmonella in lijnzaad aan te tonen. Alle deelnemende Nationale Referentie Laboratoria (NRL's) voor Salmonella waren in staat om lage en hoge concentraties van Salmonella aan te tonen. Op één na hebben alle laboratoria een goede score behaald. Dat ene laboratorium had de resultaten van de controlemonsters verwisseld toen ze hun resultaten invoerden en hebben daarom een matige score behaald.
Alle NRL's van Europese lidstaten die verantwoordelijk zijn om Salmonella in voedsel voor mensen op te sporen, zijn verplicht om aan het ringonderzoek deel te nemen. Voor de NRL's die Salmonella opsporen in diervoeder was de deelname vrijwillig. In totaal namen 42 NRL's-Salmonelladeel aan dit ringonderzoek: 37 NRL's van 28 Europese lidstaten en 5 NRL's van andere Europese landen.
De laboratoria hebben een internationaal erkende analysemethode gebruikt om Salmonella in de lijnzaadmonsters aan te tonen. Elk laboratorium kreeg een pakket toegestuurd met lijnzaadmonsters die ofwel besmet waren met twee verschillende concentraties Salmonella Typhimurium, of geen Salmonella bevatten. De monsters zijn op het laboratorium van het EURL-Salmonella kunstmatig besmet met Salmonella.
Het EURL-Salmonella is gevestigd bij het Nederlandse Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM).
In March 2019, the EURL-Salmonella organised a Proficiency Test on the detection of Salmonella in flaxseed. All participating National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella were able to detect both low- and high-level concentrations of Salmonella. All laboratories, except one, scored good performance. The one laboratory swapped the results of the control samples when reporting their results and scored a moderate performance. All NRLs from EU Member States responsible for the analysis of Salmonella in food samples were obliged to participate in this Proficiency Test. For the NRLs-Salmonella which analyse animal feed products, participation was voluntarily. In total, 42 NRLs for Salmonellaparticipated in this Proficiency Test: 37 NRLs from 28 EU Member States and five NRLs from third countries. The laboratories used an internationally accepted method to detect the presence of Salmonella in flaxseed samples. Each laboratory received a package containing flaxseed samples, which were artificially contaminated with two different concentrations of Salmonella Typhimurium or did not contain Salmonella. The flaxseed samples were artificially contaminated with Salmonella at the EURL-Salmonella laboratory. The EURL-Salmonella is part of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
In March 2019, the EURL-Salmonella organised a Proficiency Test on the detection of Salmonella in flaxseed. All participating National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella were able to detect both low- and high-level concentrations of Salmonella. All laboratories, except one, scored good performance. The one laboratory swapped the results of the control samples when reporting their results and scored a moderate performance. All NRLs from EU Member States responsible for the analysis of Salmonella in food samples were obliged to participate in this Proficiency Test. For the NRLs-Salmonella which analyse animal feed products, participation was voluntarily. In total, 42 NRLs for Salmonellaparticipated in this Proficiency Test: 37 NRLs from 28 EU Member States and five NRLs from third countries. The laboratories used an internationally accepted method to detect the presence of Salmonella in flaxseed samples. Each laboratory received a package containing flaxseed samples, which were artificially contaminated with two different concentrations of Salmonella Typhimurium or did not contain Salmonella. The flaxseed samples were artificially contaminated with Salmonella at the EURL-Salmonella laboratory. The EURL-Salmonella is part of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG-Sante)