Source apportionment and quantification of nitrogen transport, and retention, in the River Rhine
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Source apportionment and quantification of nitrogen
transport, and retention, in the River Rhine
Translated Title
Brontoebedeling en kwantificering van
stikstoftransport en retentie in de Rijn
Published in
Voor het opstellen van effectieve maatregelen ter
reductie van de toevoer van nutrienten naar zee middels rivieren, is een
brontoebedeling van de nutrientvracht naar zijn oorsprong (van diffuse of
puntbronnen) benodigd. Het doel van de studie was het toebedelen van de
stikstofvracht naar zijn oorsprong van punt- en diffuse bronnen en het
quantificeren van de stikstof vracht, emissie en retentie in de
supranationale rivier de Rijn en zijn voornaamste zijrivieren. Deze
overkoepelende doelstelling houdt onderzoek in naar de verschillen tussen 30
sub-stroomgebieden met betrekking tot de bijdrage van punt- en diffuse
bronnen van stikstof, oppervlakspecifieke emissie en retentie. Daarbij is
een vergelijking gemaakt tussen twee methoden van brontoebedeling en
vrachtanalyse. Het onderzoek richt zich op de periode
One of the first steps needed to allow efficient measures for a reduction of the riverine input of nutrients to surface water and the sea, is apportionment of the total load to its origin (either diffuse or point sources). The objective of the investigation carried out in 1990-1995 was to determine source apportionment of the observed nitrogen load (to the source, either point or diffuse) and to quantify nitrogen transport, emission and retention in the supranational River Rhine and its main tributaries. This overall objective comprised investigating the differences between 30 sub-catchments for the contribution of diffuse or point sources of nutrients, and the (area-specific) emission of these sources and nutrient retention. Furthermore, two fundamentally different types of approaches to source apportionment, riverine and input-output, were investigated with respect to concept, results and applicability. This was done as well for nutrient load analysis. A qualitative source apportionment and a retention calculation based on mass balances were also carried out.
One of the first steps needed to allow efficient measures for a reduction of the riverine input of nutrients to surface water and the sea, is apportionment of the total load to its origin (either diffuse or point sources). The objective of the investigation carried out in 1990-1995 was to determine source apportionment of the observed nitrogen load (to the source, either point or diffuse) and to quantify nitrogen transport, emission and retention in the supranational River Rhine and its main tributaries. This overall objective comprised investigating the differences between 30 sub-catchments for the contribution of diffuse or point sources of nutrients, and the (area-specific) emission of these sources and nutrient retention. Furthermore, two fundamentally different types of approaches to source apportionment, riverine and input-output, were investigated with respect to concept, results and applicability. This was done as well for nutrient load analysis. A qualitative source apportionment and a retention calculation based on mass balances were also carried out.