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This report serves as a basis for the discussion aimed at the decision whether an integrated criteria document on mercury should be drawn up, and, if so, for determining the contents of such an integrated criteria document. Taking into account the current exposure levels in the environment, the risks from mercury to the Dutch population will be limited and within acceptable range in general (note: mercury uptake through amalgam not included). No unacceptable effects of mercury are expected in aquatic ecosystems, whereas effects in terrestrial ecosystems will be small (heavily polluted areas excepted). Adverse effects on agricultural crops and livestock are unlikely to occur. Since 1980 the total amount of mercury applied in the Netherlands has been reduced by at least 50%. This, and various measures, have resulted in significant reduction of the emissions of all sources, those from fossil fuels excepted. Trends in emissions indicate that the risks of mercury exposure in the Netherlands will likely decrease in the coming years.