Modellen om de humane blootstelling aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen te berekenen: een stand van zaken
Series / Report no.
RIVM briefrapport 2019-0031
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Modellen om de humane blootstelling aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen te berekenen: een stand van zaken
Translated Title
Models for calculating human exposure to pesticides: the current state of affairs
Published in
Mensen kunnen op twee manieren worden blootgesteld aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen: tijdens of na het gebruik van deze middelen, en via resten van deze middelen die ze via voeding binnenkrijgen. Iedereen wordt blootgesteld via voeding. De blootstelling tijdens of na het gebruik geldt voor vier groepen: degenen die de middelen gebruiken, de mensen die in de gewassenteelt werken, degenen die zich buiten het terrein bevinden (zoals fietsers), en de omwonenden van landbouwgrond. Met modellen wordt voor al deze groepen berekend hoe groot de blootstelling aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen is.
Het RIVM heeft een overzicht gemaakt van de rekenmodellen die sinds begin 2000 in Nederland zijn gebruikt. Daaruit blijkt dat de modellen de afgelopen jaren zijn verbeterd en op Europees niveau meer zijn geharmoniseerd. De modellen voor de blootstelling via voeding zijn verder ontwikkeld dan die van de blootstelling tijdens of na het gebruik. Dit komt mede doordat er veel gegevens zijn over de voedselconsumptie en over de concentraties van resten van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in verschillende voedingsmiddelen. Voor de blootstelling tijdens of na het gebruik zijn veel minder gegevens beschikbaar. Veel van het huidige onderzoek is erop gericht om dat te verbeteren.
Voor beide soorten modellen wordt eraan gewerkt om de beoordeling van risico's van blootstelling aan mengsels van stoffen te verbeteren. Hetzelfde geldt voor de risico's van de totale blootstelling aan een stof vanuit verschillende bronnen. Het RIVM onderstreept het belang om beide aspecten zo snel als mogelijk een plek te geven in de risicobeoordeling van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen.
People can be exposed to pesticides in two ways: during or after the application of these substances and via residues that they ingest via their food. Everyone is exposed via the food they eat. Exposure during or after the application of a pesticide applies to four groups: the people applying the pesticides, the people working in crop cultivation, the people outside the site of application (such as cyclists who are passing) and the people living in the vicinity of agricultural land. Models are used to calculate the extent of exposure to pesticides for all these groups. RIVM has drawn up an overview of the calculation models that have been used in the Netherlands since early in 2000. This shows that, in recent years, the models have been improved and better harmonised at European level. The models used for exposure via the food ingested have been developed further than those used for exposure during or after application. This is partly because there is more data available about food consumption and the concentrations of residues of pesticides in various foods than about exposure during or after application. Much of current research focuses on improving this situation. Work is being carried out on both types of models to improve the assessment of the risks of exposure to mixtures of substances. The same applies to the risks of the total exposure to a substance from various sources. RIVM emphasises the importance of including both aspects in the risk assessment of plant protection products as soon as possible.
People can be exposed to pesticides in two ways: during or after the application of these substances and via residues that they ingest via their food. Everyone is exposed via the food they eat. Exposure during or after the application of a pesticide applies to four groups: the people applying the pesticides, the people working in crop cultivation, the people outside the site of application (such as cyclists who are passing) and the people living in the vicinity of agricultural land. Models are used to calculate the extent of exposure to pesticides for all these groups. RIVM has drawn up an overview of the calculation models that have been used in the Netherlands since early in 2000. This shows that, in recent years, the models have been improved and better harmonised at European level. The models used for exposure via the food ingested have been developed further than those used for exposure during or after application. This is partly because there is more data available about food consumption and the concentrations of residues of pesticides in various foods than about exposure during or after application. Much of current research focuses on improving this situation. Work is being carried out on both types of models to improve the assessment of the risks of exposure to mixtures of substances. The same applies to the risks of the total exposure to a substance from various sources. RIVM emphasises the importance of including both aspects in the risk assessment of plant protection products as soon as possible.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van I&W ; Ministerie van VWS