Analyse van incidenten bij bedrijven met grote hoeveelheden gevaarlijke stoffen
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0051
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Analyse van incidenten bij bedrijven met grote hoeveelheden gevaarlijke stoffen
Translated Title
Analysis of incidents at companies with large amounts of hazardous substances
Published in
Het RIVM analyseert de aard, omvang en oorzaak van incidenten bij bedrijven met grote hoeveelheden gevaarlijke stoffen in Nederland. Voor dit rapport zijn zeventien incidenten geanalyseerd. Bij vijftien incidenten kwamen gevaarlijke stoffen vrij, waardoor twee keer een brand is ontstaan. Bij een ander incident was er brand in een installatie. Bij de incidenten overleed één persoon. Twee mensen houden waarschijnlijk blijvend letsel door brandwonden en oorsuizen.
Bedrijven zijn ervoor verantwoordelijk dat installaties op orde zijn en dat werknemers de productieprocessen en werkzaamheden veilig kunnen uitvoeren. Bij de onderzochte incidenten ging het op verschillende onderdelen mis.
Zo raakten materialen verzwakt bij zes incidenten of waren chemische processen niet goed onder controle bij vier incidenten. Hierdoor liepen de processen anders, wat niet op tijd is ontdekt en hersteld. Bij zes incidenten hadden bedrijven de noodmaatregelen die zij moeten hebben, niet of niet goed ingevoerd. Een noodmaatregel is bijvoorbeeld voorkomen dat gevaarlijke materialen vrijkomen door ze in een afgesloten vat op te vangen.
Bij vijftien van de zeventien incidenten schoten de ‘plannen en procedures’ voor de werkzaamheden tekort. Ze waren er niet, of onvoldoende om een incident te voorkomen. Dit kwam vooral doordat sommige risico’s van tevoren niet waren verwacht. Soms hadden eenvoudige checklists kunnen helpen om het incident te voorkomen. Bij negen incidenten is het met maatregelen gelukt om schadelijke effecten van gevaarlijke stoffen te beperken.
Deze rapportage maakt deel uit van de opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW) om incidenten te analyseren die de Inspectie SZW heeft onderzocht. Het RIVM gaat na wat de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen deze incidenten zijn. De resultaten kunnen worden gebruikt voor inspectie- en handhavingsstrategieën. Bedrijven kunnen de inzichten gebruiken om hun veiligheidsbeleid te verbeteren.
The RIVM analyses the nature, extent and causes of incidents at companies with large quantities of hazardous substances. Seventeen incidents were analysed for this report. In fifteen incidents hazardous substances were released, resulting in two fires. Another incident involved a fire in an installation. One person died in the incidents. Two persons are likely to sustain permanent injuries from burns and buzzing in the ears. Companies must ensure that their installations are in order and that their production processes and activities are carried out safely. In the incidents analysed, things went wrong in various areas. For example, materials had weakened in six incidents or chemical reactions were not controlled properly in four incidents. The resulting deviations were not promptly discovered and remedied. In six incidents companies had not implemented, or not implemented properly, the emergency measures they should have. An example of an emergency protection measure is a sealed container that can receive an emergency discharge of hazardous substances. In fifteen incidents something was wrong with the ‘plans and procedures’ for work activities. They were lacking or insufficient to prevent the incident. Mostly this was due to risks that were not expected beforehand. This was mainly because some risks had not been anticipated in advance. Sometimes simple checklists could have helped to prevent the incident. In nine incidents measures succeeded in limiting the harmful effects of hazardous substances. This annual report is part of the order from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) to analyse accidents investigated by the SZW Inspectorate. RIVM examines the similarities and differences between these incidents. These findings can be used for inspection and enforcement strategies. Companies can use the insights to improve their safety policies.
The RIVM analyses the nature, extent and causes of incidents at companies with large quantities of hazardous substances. Seventeen incidents were analysed for this report. In fifteen incidents hazardous substances were released, resulting in two fires. Another incident involved a fire in an installation. One person died in the incidents. Two persons are likely to sustain permanent injuries from burns and buzzing in the ears. Companies must ensure that their installations are in order and that their production processes and activities are carried out safely. In the incidents analysed, things went wrong in various areas. For example, materials had weakened in six incidents or chemical reactions were not controlled properly in four incidents. The resulting deviations were not promptly discovered and remedied. In six incidents companies had not implemented, or not implemented properly, the emergency measures they should have. An example of an emergency protection measure is a sealed container that can receive an emergency discharge of hazardous substances. In fifteen incidents something was wrong with the ‘plans and procedures’ for work activities. They were lacking or insufficient to prevent the incident. Mostly this was due to risks that were not expected beforehand. This was mainly because some risks had not been anticipated in advance. Sometimes simple checklists could have helped to prevent the incident. In nine incidents measures succeeded in limiting the harmful effects of hazardous substances. This annual report is part of the order from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) to analyse accidents investigated by the SZW Inspectorate. RIVM examines the similarities and differences between these incidents. These findings can be used for inspection and enforcement strategies. Companies can use the insights to improve their safety policies.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van SZW