Learning from serious occupational accidents in the Netherlands. Developing a new monitoring system from 17 years of accident data
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0122
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Learning from serious occupational accidents in the Netherlands. Developing a new monitoring system from 17 years of accident data
Translated Title
Leren van ernstige arbeidsongevallen in Nederland. Een nieuw monitoringsysteem op basis van 17 jaar aan ongevallen
Published in
Ongevallen op het werk komen nog regelmatig voor. Deze ongevallen hebben ernstige gevolgen voor de slachtoffers, hun familieleden, collega’s en voor de bedrijven of organisaties waar de ongevallen gebeuren. Het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW), de Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie (NLA) en het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) werken samen om van deze ongevallen te leren. Dat helpt om ze te voorkomen.
Voor dit doel worden sinds 2003 gegevens over ernstige ongevallen geanalyseerd en opgeslagen met de zogenoemde Storybuilder-methode. In 2018 besloot SZW om deze aanpak te vernieuwen, waarna de ‘Monitor Leren van Ongevallen’ is ontwikkeld. In deze monitor vullen arbeidsinspecteurs gebruiksvriendelijke vragenlijsten in. Hierdoor hoeven RIVM-onderzoekers niet meer handmatig dossiers met informatie over ernstige ongevallen te analyseren.
Het RIVM legt in dit rapport uit waarom deze vragenlijst is gemaakt, en hoe dat is gedaan op basis van historische gegevens uit de Storybuilder-methode. Het was belangrijk dat de nieuwe vragenlijst gebruikersvriendelijk en betrouwbaar is. Daarom heeft het RIVM hiervoor samengewerkt met experts, en hebben inspecteurs de vragenlijst getest.
De vragenlijst van de nieuwe monitor is sinds 1 januari 2020 een vast deel van het werk van de arbeidsinspecteurs. In 2020 zijn gegevens verzameld over 1.602 ernstige arbeidsongevallen. In de komende jaren worden steeds meer gegevens verzameld. De geleerde lessen kunnen worden gedeeld met het publiek, bijvoorbeeld via de website www.lerenvoorveiligheid.nl. De gegevens worden ook gebruikt door de arbeidsinspectie en om, zo nodig, beleid te ontwikkelen.
Er gebeuren veel verschillende soorten arbeidsongevallen en de manier waarop we (veilig) werken verandert ook. Het RIVM adviseert daarom de vragenlijst goed bij te houden.
Accidents at work still happen regularly. These accidents have serious consequences for the victims, their family members, their colleagues and the companies and organisations where the accidents occur. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) are working together to learn from these accidents to help to prevent them. For this purpose, data on serious accidents have been analysed and stored by the RIVM since 2003 using the so-called Storybuilder method. In 2018, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment decided to update this approach, which led to the development of the ‘Monitoring System for Learning from Accidents’ (MLfA). In this monitor, labour inspectors complete user-friendly questionnaires. As a result, RIVM researchers no longer have to manually analyse files with information about serious accidents. In this report, RIVM explains why this questionnaire was created and how this was done based on historic data from the Storybuilder method. Since it was important for the new questionnaire to be user-friendly and reliable, RIVM collaborated on its development with experts and had the questionnaire tested by inspectors. The questionnaire for the new monitor has been an integral part of the labour inspectors’ work since 1 January 2020. In 2020, data were collected on 1,602 serious occupational accidents. More and more data will be collected in the years ahead. The lessons learned can be shared with the public through resources such as the www.lerenvoorveiligheid.nl website. The data will also be used by the labour inspectorate and, if needed, to develop policy. Many different types of occupational accidents occur, and the way we work and implement safety at work is also changing. RIVM therefore recommends keeping the questionnaire up to date.
Accidents at work still happen regularly. These accidents have serious consequences for the victims, their family members, their colleagues and the companies and organisations where the accidents occur. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) are working together to learn from these accidents to help to prevent them. For this purpose, data on serious accidents have been analysed and stored by the RIVM since 2003 using the so-called Storybuilder method. In 2018, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment decided to update this approach, which led to the development of the ‘Monitoring System for Learning from Accidents’ (MLfA). In this monitor, labour inspectors complete user-friendly questionnaires. As a result, RIVM researchers no longer have to manually analyse files with information about serious accidents. In this report, RIVM explains why this questionnaire was created and how this was done based on historic data from the Storybuilder method. Since it was important for the new questionnaire to be user-friendly and reliable, RIVM collaborated on its development with experts and had the questionnaire tested by inspectors. The questionnaire for the new monitor has been an integral part of the labour inspectors’ work since 1 January 2020. In 2020, data were collected on 1,602 serious occupational accidents. More and more data will be collected in the years ahead. The lessons learned can be shared with the public through resources such as the www.lerenvoorveiligheid.nl website. The data will also be used by the labour inspectorate and, if needed, to develop policy. Many different types of occupational accidents occur, and the way we work and implement safety at work is also changing. RIVM therefore recommends keeping the questionnaire up to date.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)