Monitoring Convenant Verpakkingen Deelrapportage Outputanalyse Verpakkingsafval 1991/1992
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Organizational Units
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Article 18 of the Dutch Packaging Covenant mentions a monitoring system that will have to be set up in order to check the progress with respect to the realization of the objectives laid down in this covenant. As a part of this monitoring system for packaging materials the RIVM/LAE was asked to execute the output-analyses. This report gives the results of this analysis for 1986 (the reference year), 1991 and 1992. It provides information on the amount, the composition and the destination of the packaging waste from the different categories (households, commercial sector, industry and other) in these years. The accuracy of the data for the different categories and years is also indicated. Because for all categories (excluded the sorting analyses for households) the used methods of measuring for 1986 are different from those used in 1991/1992, it is difficult to give an accurate trend for the total amount of packaging waste. The volume amount of packaging waste from househoulds has increased between 1986 and 1991 with 20-25% and between 1986 and 1992 with 22-27%.