Series / Report no.
RIVM report 2019-0216
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Environmental radioactivity in the Netherlands : Results in 2018
Translated Title
Radioactiviteit in het Nederlandse milieu : Resultaten in 2018
Published in
In 2018 voldeed Nederland aan de Europese verplichting om elk jaar te meten hoeveel radioactiviteit in het milieu en in voeding zit. Alle landen van de Europese Unie zijn volgens het Euratom-verdrag uit 1957 verplicht om dat te doen. Nederland volgt daarbij de aanbevelingen op uit 2000 om de metingen op een bepaalde manier uit te voeren. De metingen leveren achtergrondwaarden op, ofwel radioactiviteitsniveaus die er onder normale omstandigheden zijn. Deze waarden kunnen bij bijvoorbeeld calamiteiten of rampen als referentie dienen. Het RIVM brengt namens Nederland verslag uit aan de Europese Unie over radioactiviteit in het milieu.
Radioactiviteit in lucht, voedsel, melk, gras en veevoer
De radioactiviteitsniveaus in lucht laten een normaal beeld zien, net als in eerdere jaren. De radioactiviteitsniveaus in voedsel en melk liggen net als in vorige jaren onder de Europese limieten voor consumptie en export. Ook de radioactiviteitsniveaus in gras en veevoer laten een normaal beeld zien, net als de jaren ervoor.
Radioactiviteit in oppervlaktewater, zeewater en drinkwater
De radioactiviteitsniveaus in oppervlaktewater en zeewater zijn vergelijkbaar met die van eerdere jaren. De niveaus van het merendeel van de monsters (meer dan 97 procent) van ongezuiverd water voor de drinkwaterproductie liggen onder de zogeheten referentiewaarde; boven deze waarde moet verder onderzoek worden uitgevoerd. De niveaus van een klein aantal monsters ongezuiverd water zaten daar licht boven. Deze verhogingen zijn zo klein dat ze niet schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Het vervolgonderzoek liet ziet dat de niveaus in het gezuiverde drinkwater ruim onder de referentiewaarden lagen.
In 2018, the Netherlands fulfilled its annual European obligation to measure how much radioactivity is present in the environment and in food. All countries of the European Union are required to perform these measurements each year under the terms of the Euratom Treaty of 1957. The Netherlands performs these measurements following the guidance issued in 2000. The measurements represent the background values for radioactivity that are present under normal circumstances. They can be used as reference values, for instance, during a nuclear emergency. The results on radioactivity in the environment are reported to the European Commission by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on behalf of the competent authority in the Netherlands. Radioactivity in air, food, milk, grass and feed Radioactivity levels in the air were normal and similar to previous years. Radioactivity levels in food and milk were below the European export and consumption limits. The radioactivity levels in grass and feed were also normal, as in previous years. Radioactivity in surface water, seawater and drinking water Radioactivity levels in surface water and seawater were similar to previous years. The levels of radioactivity in most of the samples (more than 97 percent) of untreated water for drinking water production were well below the so-called screening levels: above these levels further investigation should be carried out. The levels of a small number of samples were slightly above the screening level. These measured radioactivity levels do not pose a threat to health. Further investigation revealed that radioactivity levels in associated finished drinking water were well below the screening levels.
In 2018, the Netherlands fulfilled its annual European obligation to measure how much radioactivity is present in the environment and in food. All countries of the European Union are required to perform these measurements each year under the terms of the Euratom Treaty of 1957. The Netherlands performs these measurements following the guidance issued in 2000. The measurements represent the background values for radioactivity that are present under normal circumstances. They can be used as reference values, for instance, during a nuclear emergency. The results on radioactivity in the environment are reported to the European Commission by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on behalf of the competent authority in the Netherlands. Radioactivity in air, food, milk, grass and feed Radioactivity levels in the air were normal and similar to previous years. Radioactivity levels in food and milk were below the European export and consumption limits. The radioactivity levels in grass and feed were also normal, as in previous years. Radioactivity in surface water, seawater and drinking water Radioactivity levels in surface water and seawater were similar to previous years. The levels of radioactivity in most of the samples (more than 97 percent) of untreated water for drinking water production were well below the so-called screening levels: above these levels further investigation should be carried out. The levels of a small number of samples were slightly above the screening level. These measured radioactivity levels do not pose a threat to health. Further investigation revealed that radioactivity levels in associated finished drinking water were well below the screening levels.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection