Samenstelling van gescheiden ingezameld huishoudelijk afval uit Breda. Resultaten van sorteeranalyses t.b.v. het proefproject 'Model Breda,' proef 3, september/oktober 1993
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Samenstelling van gescheiden ingezameld
huishoudelijk afval uit Breda. Resultaten van sorteeranalyses t.b.v. het
proefproject 'Model Breda,' proef 3, september/oktober
Translated Title
[Composition of separate collected domestic waste
from Breda. Results of sorting analyses for the pilot project 'Model Breda'
september/october 1993.]
Published in
Abstract niet beschikbaar
This report presents the results of sorting analyses with household waste, collected after separate collection at source in the municipality of Breda. The sorting analyses form part of a pilot project, called "Model Breda". The main purpose of this project is to achieve a more extended reduction of the amount of household (packaging) waste by separate collection at source, as mentioned in the Packaging Convention, an agreement between the Government and the packaging industry. In Breda, household waste is collected in four different fractions: - a putrescible fraction (garden-, fruit- and vegetable waste: "GFT"). - a paper/cardboard-fraction - a fraction of plastic-, metal- and drink-packaging (laminated cardboard) - a residual fraction. After a pilot period in two districts (may-december 1992), this collection system will be gradually scaled up to all districts of the municipality of Breda until may 1994. This report discusses the results of sorting analyses, carried out in september/october 1993. Main purpose of these sorting analyses is to investigate the composition, purity and response, in order to monitor the results of separate waste collection.
This report presents the results of sorting analyses with household waste, collected after separate collection at source in the municipality of Breda. The sorting analyses form part of a pilot project, called "Model Breda". The main purpose of this project is to achieve a more extended reduction of the amount of household (packaging) waste by separate collection at source, as mentioned in the Packaging Convention, an agreement between the Government and the packaging industry. In Breda, household waste is collected in four different fractions: - a putrescible fraction (garden-, fruit- and vegetable waste: "GFT"). - a paper/cardboard-fraction - a fraction of plastic-, metal- and drink-packaging (laminated cardboard) - a residual fraction. After a pilot period in two districts (may-december 1992), this collection system will be gradually scaled up to all districts of the municipality of Breda until may 1994. This report discusses the results of sorting analyses, carried out in september/october 1993. Main purpose of these sorting analyses is to investigate the composition, purity and response, in order to monitor the results of separate waste collection.