Dose response relations for gastro-instestinal pathogens in an animal model
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Dose response relations for gastro-instestinal pathogens in an animal model
Translated Title
Dosis response relatie voor gastro-intestinale pathogenen in een diermodel
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Dosis-respons modellen zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van de kwantitatieve microbiologische risicoanalyse, maar er zijn slechts weinig bruikbare kwantitatieve gegevens. Experimenten met vrijwilligers geven slechts beperkte informatie. Daarom wordt een diermodel voor infectie met enteropathogene bacterien ontwikkeld. Volwassen, mannelijke WU ratten werden na overnacht vasten en neurtralisatie van maagzuur blootgesteld aan verschillende doses van drie enteropathogene bacterien (Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, Escherichia coli 0157 en Campylobacter jejuni). Er werd een relatie gevonden tussen de dosis en de kans op infectie voor alle onderzochte bacterien. C. jejuni was meer infectieus dan E.coli 0157 en S. Enteritidis was het minst infectieus. S.Enteritidis veroorzaakte ook systemische effecten. Een dodis-respons relatie werd gevonden met sommige hematologische parameters (met name een toename van neurofielen), met de vertraagd type overgevoeligheidsreactie (OTV) en met histopathologische veranderingen in het darmkanaal. De reproduceerbaarheid van de experimenten met S.Enteritidis was goed, in tegenstelling tot C.jejuni<br>
Dose-response models ar an essential part of quantitative microbiological risk assessment, but not many appropriate data are available for this purpose. Human volunteer studies provide only limited information. Therefore, an animal model for infection with human enteropathogenic bacteria is being developed. Adult, male WU rats were exposed to different doses of three enteropathogenic bacteria (Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, Escherichia coli 0157, and Campylobacter jejuni) after overnight starvation and neutralisation of gastric acid. A relationship between the dose and probability of infection was demonstrated for all three bacteria, with C. jejuni being more infectious than E.coli 0157, and CS. Enteritidis being least infectious. S. Enteritidis induced a systemic infection, and dose-dependent effects were observed for some haematological parameters (notably and increase in neutrophils), for histopathological changes in the gastro-intestinal tract and for the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. The reproducibility of experiments with S. Enteritidis was good; in contrast, experiments with C. jejuni demonstrated poor reproducibility.<br>
Dose-response models ar an essential part of quantitative microbiological risk assessment, but not many appropriate data are available for this purpose. Human volunteer studies provide only limited information. Therefore, an animal model for infection with human enteropathogenic bacteria is being developed. Adult, male WU rats were exposed to different doses of three enteropathogenic bacteria (Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, Escherichia coli 0157, and Campylobacter jejuni) after overnight starvation and neutralisation of gastric acid. A relationship between the dose and probability of infection was demonstrated for all three bacteria, with C. jejuni being more infectious than E.coli 0157, and CS. Enteritidis being least infectious. S. Enteritidis induced a systemic infection, and dose-dependent effects were observed for some haematological parameters (notably and increase in neutrophils), for histopathological changes in the gastro-intestinal tract and for the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. The reproducibility of experiments with S. Enteritidis was good; in contrast, experiments with C. jejuni demonstrated poor reproducibility.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM