Series / Report no.
RIVM briefrapport 2019-0033
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Verkenning 13 wekenecho
Translated Title
Exploratory study of 13 week ultrasound scan
Published in
Het ministerie van VWS wil een landelijk wetenschappelijk onderzoek starten naar de invoering van een echo rond de 13e week van de zwangerschap. Een deel van de afwijkingen die nu bij de 20 wekenecho te zien zijn, kan namelijk al eerder bij het ongeboren kind worden ontdekt. In een Verkenning is uitgezocht wat nodig is om zo'n wetenschappelijk onderzoek vorm te geven.
Er blijken veel inspanningen nodig te zijn voor dit onderzoek. Zo zal eerst een onderzoeksvraag moeten worden vastgesteld. Daarna kan begonnen worden met de onderzoeksopzet, de kwaliteitsstandaard en de informatiehuishouding. Verder moet gewerkt worden aan de kwaliteitsborging van het hele proces, aan opleiding en deskundigheidsbevordering, monitoring en evaluatie en communicatie en voorlichting.
In de Verkenning wordt geadviseerd de 13 wekenecho toegankelijk te maken voor alle zwangeren en hiervoor geen eigen bijdrage te vragen. Hoewel er nog geen besluit is over de financiering, lijken de betrokken partijen voldoende capaciteit te (kunnen) hebben om het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de 13 wekenecho uit te voeren.
In de Verkenning is ook een planning gemaakt. Sommige stappen in het proces zijn pas mogelijk als eerdere activiteiten zijn afgerond. De planning laat zien dat het onderzoek naar de 13 wekenecho op zijn vroegst eind 2020 kan starten. Voorwaarde is wel dat alle stappen zonder vertraging verlopen.
The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport wishes to start a national scientific study into the introduction of an ultrasound scan around the 13th week of pregnancy. Some of the abnormalities that are now visible in the 20 week ultrasound scan can actually be discovered earlier in the unborn child. An exploratory investigation was carried out to determine what would be necessary in order to carry out such a scientific study. It turns out that such a study would require a great deal of effort. The first step would be to formulate a research question. After that, work can get started on developing the research method, the quality standard, and information management. Additional topics to tackle would include quality assurance of the entire process, training and expertise improvement, monitoring and evaluation, and communication and information. The exploratory investigation recommends making the 13 week ultrasound scan available to all pregnant women free of charge. Although no decision has yet been taken with regard to funding the study, all the parties concerned seem to have enough capacity to carry out the scientific study into the 13 week ultrasound scan. The exploratory investigation also produced a planning schedule. Some steps in the process can be carried out only after previous activities have been completed. The planning makes it clear that the study into the 13 week ultrasound scan could, at the earliest, start at the end of 2020. However, this will be possible only if all the steps can be carried out without any delays.
The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport wishes to start a national scientific study into the introduction of an ultrasound scan around the 13th week of pregnancy. Some of the abnormalities that are now visible in the 20 week ultrasound scan can actually be discovered earlier in the unborn child. An exploratory investigation was carried out to determine what would be necessary in order to carry out such a scientific study. It turns out that such a study would require a great deal of effort. The first step would be to formulate a research question. After that, work can get started on developing the research method, the quality standard, and information management. Additional topics to tackle would include quality assurance of the entire process, training and expertise improvement, monitoring and evaluation, and communication and information. The exploratory investigation recommends making the 13 week ultrasound scan available to all pregnant women free of charge. Although no decision has yet been taken with regard to funding the study, all the parties concerned seem to have enough capacity to carry out the scientific study into the 13 week ultrasound scan. The exploratory investigation also produced a planning schedule. Some steps in the process can be carried out only after previous activities have been completed. The planning makes it clear that the study into the 13 week ultrasound scan could, at the earliest, start at the end of 2020. However, this will be possible only if all the steps can be carried out without any delays.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS