Geluidmonitor 2023 Meting en validatie van geluidproductie door rijkswegen en spoorwegen
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2024-0100
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Geluidmonitor 2023 Meting en validatie van geluidproductie door rijkswegen en spoorwegen
Translated Title
Noise monitor 2023. Measurement and validation of noise levels produced by motorways and railways
Published in
De weg- en spoorbeheerders, Rijkswaterstaat en ProRail, berekenen sinds 2013 elk jaar hoeveel geluid het verkeer op de weg en het spoor maakt. Het RIVM toetst deze berekeningen met metingen. Dit is verplicht voor de Wet milieubeheer. Sinds 1 januari 2024 is deze wet voor geluid vervangen door de Omgevingswet. De verplichtingen uit de oude wet gelden nog wel voor de berekende waarden over 2022 en 2023. De Geluidmonitor 2023 vergelijkt het gemeten geluid met de berekende geluidniveaus op rijks- en spoorwegen voor het jaar 2022. Voor hoofdspoorwegen is in 2022 gemiddeld 0,2 decibel lager gemeten dan is berekend. Voor rijkswegen is er 2,3 decibel meer gemeten dan is berekend. Dit grote verschil is al jaren te zien. Daarom zijn de rekenregels voor rijkswegen die vallen onder de Omgevingswet aangepast. De belangrijkste aanpassing is dat de lang gebruikte compensatie voor stille banden is vervallen. Dat komt doordat stille banden het geluid minder hebben laten dalen dan verwacht. Op bepaalde locaties kan zowel op wegen als het spoor het verschil tussen meten en rekenen veel groter zijn. Bij rijkswegen komt dat vooral door de leeftijd en de conditie van het asfalt. Ouder asfalt maakt meer geluid, nieuwer asfalt minder. Bij hoofdspoorwegen zijn de belangrijkste oorzaken het aantal en type treinen, en de ruwheid van het spoor. De Geluidmonitor 2023 geeft ook de resultaten van de metingen van 2023. De weg- en spoorbeheerder levert uiterlijk 1 oktober de berekeningen over 2023 aan de minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (IenW). De minister publiceert deze informatie daarna. De berekeningen over 2023 worden in de volgende geluidmonitor vergeleken met de gemeten geluidniveaus in 2023. De Geluidmonitor 2024 verschijnt in 2025.
Every year since 2013, the road and railway authorities calculate the noise produced by road and rail traffic. RIVM validates these calculations through measurements. This is required under the Environmental Management Act, which has been replaced by the Environment and Planning Act as of 1 January 2024. However, the obligations under the old law still apply to the calculated values for 2022 and 2023. The 2023 Noise Monitor compares the measured noise levels with the calculated noise levels on motorways and railways for the year 2022. For railways, the measured noise in 2022 was on average 0.2 decibels lower than calculated. For motorways, 2.3 decibels more noise was measured than calculated. This significant difference has been observed for years, leading to adjustments in the calculation method for motorways under the Environment and Planning act. The most notable change is the removal of the long-used compensation for quiet tires, as these tires have not reduced noise as much as expected. Locally, the differences between the measured and calculated noise levels along motorways and railways can be much bigger. In the case of motorways, this is mainly due to the age and condition of the asphalt. The noise level for older asphalt is higher than that for newer asphalt. For the railways, the principal causes are the number and types of trains and the wear of the rails. The 2023 Noise Monitor also includes the measurement results for 2023. The road and railway authorities will submit the calculations for 2023 to the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) by 1 October. The Minister will then make this information public. The calculations for 2023 will be compared to the noise levels actually measured in 2023 in the next Noise Monitor. The 2024 Noise Monitor will be published in 2025.
Every year since 2013, the road and railway authorities calculate the noise produced by road and rail traffic. RIVM validates these calculations through measurements. This is required under the Environmental Management Act, which has been replaced by the Environment and Planning Act as of 1 January 2024. However, the obligations under the old law still apply to the calculated values for 2022 and 2023. The 2023 Noise Monitor compares the measured noise levels with the calculated noise levels on motorways and railways for the year 2022. For railways, the measured noise in 2022 was on average 0.2 decibels lower than calculated. For motorways, 2.3 decibels more noise was measured than calculated. This significant difference has been observed for years, leading to adjustments in the calculation method for motorways under the Environment and Planning act. The most notable change is the removal of the long-used compensation for quiet tires, as these tires have not reduced noise as much as expected. Locally, the differences between the measured and calculated noise levels along motorways and railways can be much bigger. In the case of motorways, this is mainly due to the age and condition of the asphalt. The noise level for older asphalt is higher than that for newer asphalt. For the railways, the principal causes are the number and types of trains and the wear of the rails. The 2023 Noise Monitor also includes the measurement results for 2023. The road and railway authorities will submit the calculations for 2023 to the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) by 1 October. The Minister will then make this information public. The calculations for 2023 will be compared to the noise levels actually measured in 2023 in the next Noise Monitor. The 2024 Noise Monitor will be published in 2025.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM