
Validatie en prestatiekenmerken van de elementanalyse van koolstof, stikstof en zwavel in vaste stoffen

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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Validatie en prestatiekenmerken van de elementanalyse van koolstof, stikstof en zwavel in vaste stoffen
Translated Title
Validation and performance characteristics of the analysis of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in solid materials
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De elementanalyse van koolstof, stikstof en zwavel in vaste monsters kan eenvoudig en relatief snel worden uitgevoerd met de Elemental Analyzer (Model EA 1108) van Fisons Instruments in diverse typen vaste stof monsters. Een hoeveelheid monster wordt afgewogen en de Elemental Analyzer bepaalt de elementgehaltes in de gewenste eenheid. De kalibratie en de controle van de kalibratie duurt in totaal 2 uur. Een enkelvoudige analyse duurt vervolgens ongeveer 1 kwartier. Na optimalisatie van het apparaat en de methode is een Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) uitgebracht voor de elementanalyse van koolstof, stikstof en zwavel in vaste stoffen. De aantoonbaarheidsgrens bedraagt voor stikstof 2 mg/g, voor koolstof 2 mg/g en voor zwavel 5 mg/g. De precisie in cystine is voor stikstof is 6 mg/g (5,1%), voor koolstof 3 mg/g (1,0%) en voor zwavel 6 mg/g (2,2%).

The Elemental Analyser Model EA 1108 (Carlo Erba) enables to determine nitrogen, carbon and sulphur in solid material, in a fast and simple way. The samples are packed into lightweight containers of tin and dropped at preset times into a vertical quartz tube, heated at 1020 degrees C, through which a constant flow of helium is maintained. When the samples are introduced, the helium stream is temporarily enriched with pure oxygen. Flash combustion takes place, primed by the oxidation of the container. Quantitative combustion is then achieved by passing the gases over W2O3. The mixture of the combustion gases is transferred over copper to eliminate excess of oxygen and after drying the water over MgClO4 introduced into a chromatographic column, heated at 57 degrees C. The individual components are then separated, eluted in the order N2, CO2 and SO2, and measured by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The instrument is calibrated by combustion of the standard sulphanylamide and the calibration is controlled with the standard reference material (SRM) cystine. The total calibration takes place in 2 hours. The measurement of one single sample takes place in 15 minutes. Every ten samples the instrument is controlled with the standard sulphanylamide. After optimization of the instrument, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the determination of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in solid material, has been formulated. The detection limit is for carbon 2 mg/g, for nitrogen 2 mg/g, and for sulphur 5 mg/g. The accuracy for the measurement in cystine is for carbon 3 mg/g (1.0%), for nitrogen 6 mg/g (5.1%), and for sulphur 6 mg/g (2.2%).

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