Interlaboratory study on the preparation and use of standard samples with F-specific RNA-bacteriophages
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Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Interlaboratory study on the preparation and use of standard samples with F-specific RNA-bacteriophages
Translated Title
Ringonderzoekingen betreffende de bereiding en het gebruik van standaard monsters met F-specifieke RNA-bacteriofagen
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De haalbaarheid van de produktie en de verzending van referentiemonsters van F-specifieke RNA-bacteriofaag MS2 werd onderzocht. Een getitreerde suspensie van MS2 werd diep ingevroren verzonden naar 32 verschillende laboratoria verspreid over de hele wereld en geanalyseerd in vier opeenvolgende ringonderzoeken (trials) met tussenpozen van drie maanden. Analyse van de produktie-batch door het organiserende laboratorium voordat verzending plaatsvond gaf aan dat de fagen in het referentiematieriaal random verdeeld waren. De resultaten van de deelnemende laboratoria gaven een random verdeling binnen flesjes aan. Daarentegen werd vaak overdispersie tussen flesjes gevonden. Aangetoond werd dat de resultaten van flesjes van verschillende dozen en voor verschillende trials significant verschillend waren binnen een aantal laboratoria. Stabiliteit van het referentiemateriaal kon redelijkerwijze worden verondersteld op grond van de resultaten met een andere bereiding van MS2, welke perfect stabiel was in een periode van meer dan een jaar. De experimentele omstandigheden waren niet geheel onder controle bij verschillende laboratoria, hetgeen sterke aanwijzingen geeft dat de bepaling van F-specifieke RNA-bacteriofagen volgens ISO 10705-1 (1995) beter gestandaardiseerd dient te worden.<br>
An interlaboratory study was performed to investigate the feasibility of producing and distributing reference samples of F-specific RNA-bacteriophage MS2. A titrated suspension of MS2 was distributed deep-frozen to 32 different laboratories throughout the world and analysed in four subsequent trials at approximately 3 month intervals. Analysis of the production batch by the organising laboratory before distribution indicated that the phages in the reference material were randomly distributed. The data from the participating laboratories indicated random distribution within vials. However, overdispersion between vials was found quite often. It was shown that the results for vials from different boxes and for different trials were significantly different within several laboratories. Stability of the reference material could reasonably be assumed in view of the results with a different preparation of MS2 that was shown to be perfectly stable for more than a year in one laboratory. Experimental conditions were not completely under control in several laboratories strongly indicating that the enumeration technique of F-specific RNA-bacteriophages according to ISO 10705-1 (1995) needs further standardisation.<br>
An interlaboratory study was performed to investigate the feasibility of producing and distributing reference samples of F-specific RNA-bacteriophage MS2. A titrated suspension of MS2 was distributed deep-frozen to 32 different laboratories throughout the world and analysed in four subsequent trials at approximately 3 month intervals. Analysis of the production batch by the organising laboratory before distribution indicated that the phages in the reference material were randomly distributed. The data from the participating laboratories indicated random distribution within vials. However, overdispersion between vials was found quite often. It was shown that the results for vials from different boxes and for different trials were significantly different within several laboratories. Stability of the reference material could reasonably be assumed in view of the results with a different preparation of MS2 that was shown to be perfectly stable for more than a year in one laboratory. Experimental conditions were not completely under control in several laboratories strongly indicating that the enumeration technique of F-specific RNA-bacteriophages according to ISO 10705-1 (1995) needs further standardisation.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM