NRL Salmonella ringonderzoek VI/VII (2000) voor bacteriologische detectie Salmonella en pilot ringonderzoeken I/II (2000) voor bacteriologische detectie Campylobacter
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NRL Salmonella ringonderzoek VI/VII (2000) voor bacteriologische detectie Salmonella en pilot ringonderzoeken I/II (2000) voor bacteriologische detectie Campylobacter
Translated Title
NRL Dutch national programme studies VI/VII (2000) on bacteriological detection of Salmonella and pilot collaborative study I/II on detection of Campylobacter
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In 2000 werden er twee bacteriologische ringonderzoeken voor de detectie van Salmonella in aanwezigheid van stoorflora georganiseerd door het Nationaal Referentie Laboratorium (NRL) voor Salmonella, waaraan werd deelgenomen door 23 laboratoria die betrokken zijn bij het plan van aanpak Salmonella en Campylobacter in de pluimveehouderij. Het belangrijkste doel van deze ringonderzoeken was te testen of de deelnemende laboratoria in staat waren om Salmonella te detecteren in aanwezigheid van stoorflora. Daarvoor werden referentiematerialen met Salmonella Typhimurium gebruikt die dienden te worden onderzocht met en zonder toevoeging van kippenfeces. De gebruikte methode was voorgeschreven door de Productschappen Vee, Vlees en Eieren (PVE). In deze methode moet het semi-solid medium MSRV gebruikt worden als selectief ophopingsmedium. Naar aanleiding van de resultaten die de deelnemende laboratoria in eerdere ringonderzoeken behaalden moesten 50 of 15 capsules onderzocht worden. Alleen in ringonderzoek VI (roz VI) moesten door een laboratorium 50 capsules worden onderzocht en dit laboratorium isoleerde Salmonella uit alle Salmonella positieve monsters. In roz VI isoleerden 22 (van de 23) en in roz VII 18 (van de 21) deelnemende laboratoria Salmonella uit alle 10 Salmonella positieve capsules. Daarnaast werden er voor de eerste keer pilot ringonderzoeken voor de bacteriologische detectie van Campylobacter georganiseerd met als doel laboratoria ervaring te laten opdoen met de detectie van Campylobacter.<br>
In 2000, two bacteriological collaborative studies were organized by the Dutch National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Salmonella among 23 laboratories participating in the Dutch national programme for control of Salmonella in the poultry sector. The main objective of these studies was to test the capacity of these laboratories to detect Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms. Reference capsules containing sublethally injured Salmonella Typhimurium had to be tested for the presence of Salmonella with and without the addition of chicken faeces. The method used in the studies was prescribed by the Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs. In this method the semi-solid medium MSRV had to be used as the selective enrichment medium. Depending on the results from previous collaborative studies, laboratories had to test 50 or 15 capsules. Only in the first study (study VI) one laboratory tested 50 capsules and this laboratory detected Salmonella from all Salmonella positive capsules. In this study VI 22 (of the 23) and in study VII 18 (of the 21) participating laboratores isolated Salmonella from all 10 Salmonella positive capsules. Additionally two pilot bacteriological collaborative studies on the detection methods of Campylobacter were organized. The main goal of these two pilot studies was that the participating laboratories could get experience with the detection of Campylobacter.<br>
In 2000, two bacteriological collaborative studies were organized by the Dutch National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Salmonella among 23 laboratories participating in the Dutch national programme for control of Salmonella in the poultry sector. The main objective of these studies was to test the capacity of these laboratories to detect Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms. Reference capsules containing sublethally injured Salmonella Typhimurium had to be tested for the presence of Salmonella with and without the addition of chicken faeces. The method used in the studies was prescribed by the Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs. In this method the semi-solid medium MSRV had to be used as the selective enrichment medium. Depending on the results from previous collaborative studies, laboratories had to test 50 or 15 capsules. Only in the first study (study VI) one laboratory tested 50 capsules and this laboratory detected Salmonella from all Salmonella positive capsules. In this study VI 22 (of the 23) and in study VII 18 (of the 21) participating laboratores isolated Salmonella from all 10 Salmonella positive capsules. Additionally two pilot bacteriological collaborative studies on the detection methods of Campylobacter were organized. The main goal of these two pilot studies was that the participating laboratories could get experience with the detection of Campylobacter.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
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