Geochemistry of some rare earth elements in groundwater, Vierlingsbeek, the Netherlands
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Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Geochemistry of some rare earth elements in groundwater, Vierlingsbeek, the Netherlands
Translated Title
De geochemie van enkele zeldzame aarden in grondwater, Vierlingsbeek, Nederland
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In de nabijheid van het drinkwaterpompstation Vierlingsbeek zijn uit zeven boorputten grondwatermonsters op verschillende diepten genomen. Speciatieberekeningen zijn uitgevoerd om meer inzicht te krijgen in de chemische processen van zeldzame aarden (REE). Bij de modellering is rekening gehouden met complexatie en precipitatieprocessen van opgeloste organische koolstof (DOC) en anorganische verbindingen. Uit de speciatieberekeningen bleek dat REE3+, REE(SO4)+, REE(CO3)+ en REE(DOC) de belangrijkste species zijn. De aanwezigheid van de REE's in het grondwater wordt waarschijnlijk niet veroorzaakt door het in oplossing gaan van REE-bevattende vaste fasen, maar mogelijk door desorptie van REE's aan metaalhydroxiden. Via multiple lineaire regressie is aangetoond dat de pH verreweg de meest significante grondwaterkarakteristiek is welke de variatie in REE concentraties bepaalt. Regressievergelijkingen zijn afgeleid enkel op grond van de pH, waarmee REE concentraties in grondwater kunnen worden voorspeld. Voor de praktijk van de drinkwatervoorziening betekent dit dat pH-metingen (liefst in waarnemingsputten) een gemakkelijke en redelijk betrouwbare indicator vormen voor de concentratie zeldzame aarden.<br>
Speciation calculations were carried out on groundwater samples to shed more light on the chemical processes of rare earth elements (REE). These samples were taken from seven boreholes at several depths near the drinking water pumping station, Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands. Complexation and precipitation reactions including inorganic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compounds, were taken into account. The REE speciation showed REE3+, REE(SO4)+, REE(CO3)+ and REE(DOC) to be the major species. Dissolution of REE-enriched solid phases probably does not account for the observed REEs in groundwater. This may be due to desorption of REEs on metal hydroxides. Multiple linear regression showed pH to be by far the most significant groundwater characteristic contributing to the variation in REE concentrations. Regression equations including only pH were derived to predict REE concentrations in groundwater.<br>
Speciation calculations were carried out on groundwater samples to shed more light on the chemical processes of rare earth elements (REE). These samples were taken from seven boreholes at several depths near the drinking water pumping station, Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands. Complexation and precipitation reactions including inorganic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compounds, were taken into account. The REE speciation showed REE3+, REE(SO4)+, REE(CO3)+ and REE(DOC) to be the major species. Dissolution of REE-enriched solid phases probably does not account for the observed REEs in groundwater. This may be due to desorption of REEs on metal hydroxides. Multiple linear regression showed pH to be by far the most significant groundwater characteristic contributing to the variation in REE concentrations. Regression equations including only pH were derived to predict REE concentrations in groundwater.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM