Waterkwaliteitsindicatoren ; overzicht, methode-ontwikkeling en toepassing
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Waterkwaliteitsindicatoren ; overzicht,
methode-ontwikkeling en toepassing
Translated Title
Water quality indicators: overview, method
development and method applications
Published in
Dit rapport beoogt een bijdrage te leveren aan de
ontwikkeling van een algemene methode, gebruikmakend van indicatoren en
indices, door de toestand van zoetwatersystemen te beoordelen in relatie tot
de functies en rekeninghoudend met thema's. Allereerst wordt een overzicht
gegeven van de huidige inzichten en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van
waterkwaliteitsindicatoren en -indices. Daarna wordt een
waterkwaliteitsbeoordelingsmethode beschreven, de zogenaamde methode 'all-in
water quality assessment index for watersystems (AWIX). Deze methode wordt
vervolgens toegepast op 2 case studies nl. 'Europese Rivieren' en
'Rijnstroomgebied'. In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt de methode AWIX
bediscussieerd en volgen conclusies en aanbevelingen.
This report aims to contribute to the development of a general method for assessing the quality of water systems in relation to the functions by taking issues that threaten water quality into consideration. First of all, an overview is given of the current insights and development in water quality indicators and indices. After this, a water quality assessment method, the so-called 'all-in water quality assessment index for watersystems' (AWIX) method, is described and then applied to two case studies, 'European Rivers' and the 'Rhine River Basin'. In the last chapter the AWIX method is discussed, followed by conclusions and recommendations.
This report aims to contribute to the development of a general method for assessing the quality of water systems in relation to the functions by taking issues that threaten water quality into consideration. First of all, an overview is given of the current insights and development in water quality indicators and indices. After this, a water quality assessment method, the so-called 'all-in water quality assessment index for watersystems' (AWIX) method, is described and then applied to two case studies, 'European Rivers' and the 'Rhine River Basin'. In the last chapter the AWIX method is discussed, followed by conclusions and recommendations.