Beperkt ringonderzoek met de kolomproef voor Polycyclische Aromatische Koolwaterstoffen (PAK)
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Beperkt ringonderzoek met de kolomproef voor Polycyclische Aromatische Koolwaterstoffen (PAK)
Translated Title
Limited round robin test with the column test for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
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In het kader van het Taakstellend Plan ter ondersteuning van de normcommissie 390 11 afvalstoffen'(TSP) wordt door het RIVM een set van uitloogproeven voor organische componenten ontwikkeld. Deze uitloogproeven worden gebaseerd op de reeds bestaande voorschriften voor anorganische stoffen. Onderhavige rapportage beschrijft het beperkte ringonderzoek waarin de kolomproef voor PAK is getest. Dit ringonderzoek is een stap binnen een reeks van stappen in het onderzoek naar uitloogproeven voor organische componenten. Concept-voorschriften van de kolomproef en cascadeproef voor de Polycyclische Aromatische Koolwaterstoffen (PAK) zijn voorafgaand ontwikkeld. Daarnaast is een analysemethode via extraction'(SPE) voor PAK in de eluaten ontwikkeld. In 1991 is het beperkte ringonderzoek gehouden teneinde deze concept-voorschriften van de kolomproef en van de analyse van PAK te testen op uitvoerbaarheid (signaleren van problemen). In dit ringonderzoek hebben de vier deelnemende laboratoria, TAUW Infra Consult, Centrilab, IWACO en RIVM, een kolomproef met zeefzand in duplo uitgevoerd. De concentraties PAK in de eluaten zijn bepaald met behulp van SPE of vloeistof/vloeistof extractie en HPLC-detectie. De gemiddelde cumulatieve emissies waren tussen 0.13 mug/kg en 1.5 mug/kg van de diverse PAK (m.u.v. naftaleen). Behalve de cumulatieve emissies van PAK zijn door de laboratoria ook de recoveries (terugvindingspercentages) van PAK in het eluaat bepaald. Hierbij werden dermate grote spreidingen gevonden, dat het analysevoorschrift van PAK moest worden aangepast. Hierna hebben vijf laboratoria de recoverybepaling in schoon water onderzocht. De recoveries van de 10 PAK waren meer dan 80% en de intralaboratorium standaarddeviaties (sd-r) waren tussen 5 en 9%. De spreiding in de HPLC-analyse werd onderzocht met behulp van een meetextract met matrixeffecten in het HPLC-chromatogram. De standaarddeviaties (sd-r) van deze HPLC-analyse waren kleiner of gelijk dan 10% voor concentraties van PAK tussen 0.04 en 0.85 mug/ml acetonitril. Na onderhavig ringonderzoek zijn de concept-voorschriften van de uitloogproeven voor PAK nog verbeterd, op basis van vervolgonderzoek naar onder andere de adsorptie van PAK aan de testopstelling<br>
Within the framework of the Plan for the normalization commission 39011 developed a set of leaching tests for various organic compounds. These tests are based on the leaching tests for inorganic compounds. This report describes the limited round robin test using the column test for PAH. This round robin test was a step in the series within the investigation. Draft protocols of the column and serial batch tests for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) were previously developed. An analytical method for solid-phase extraction (SPE) for PAH in eluates was also developed. In 1991 the limited round robin test was organized to test the draft protocols of the column test and analytical method for PAH on workability (signalling of problems). In this round robin test the four participating laboratories, TAUW Infra Consult, Centrilab, IWACO and RIVM, performed a column test using sieve sand. The concentration of PAH in the eluates were determined with SPE or liquid/liquid extraction and HPLC-detection. The average cumulative emissions were between 0.13 and 1.5 mug/kg of the various PAH (with exception of naphthalene). Besides the cumulative emission of PAH, the laboratories also determined the recoveries of PAH in the eluate. Such a large scatter in recoveries was found that the protocol of PAH determination had to be adapted. Five laboratories then investigated the determination of the recovery in clean water. The recoveries of the 10 PAH were more than 80% and the intra-laboratory standard deviations were between 5 and 9%. The scatter in the HPLC analysis was investigated by means of a measuring extract with interferences of the matrix in the HPLC chromatogram. The standard deviations of this HPLC analysis were smaller or equal to 10% for concentrations of PAH between 0.04 and 0.85 mug/ml acetonitrile. After this round robin test the draft protocols of the leaching tests for PAH were improved on the basis of a follow-up investigation into the adsorption of PAH on parts of the equipment.<br>
Within the framework of the Plan for the normalization commission 39011 developed a set of leaching tests for various organic compounds. These tests are based on the leaching tests for inorganic compounds. This report describes the limited round robin test using the column test for PAH. This round robin test was a step in the series within the investigation. Draft protocols of the column and serial batch tests for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) were previously developed. An analytical method for solid-phase extraction (SPE) for PAH in eluates was also developed. In 1991 the limited round robin test was organized to test the draft protocols of the column test and analytical method for PAH on workability (signalling of problems). In this round robin test the four participating laboratories, TAUW Infra Consult, Centrilab, IWACO and RIVM, performed a column test using sieve sand. The concentration of PAH in the eluates were determined with SPE or liquid/liquid extraction and HPLC-detection. The average cumulative emissions were between 0.13 and 1.5 mug/kg of the various PAH (with exception of naphthalene). Besides the cumulative emission of PAH, the laboratories also determined the recoveries of PAH in the eluate. Such a large scatter in recoveries was found that the protocol of PAH determination had to be adapted. Five laboratories then investigated the determination of the recovery in clean water. The recoveries of the 10 PAH were more than 80% and the intra-laboratory standard deviations were between 5 and 9%. The scatter in the HPLC analysis was investigated by means of a measuring extract with interferences of the matrix in the HPLC chromatogram. The standard deviations of this HPLC analysis were smaller or equal to 10% for concentrations of PAH between 0.04 and 0.85 mug/ml acetonitrile. After this round robin test the draft protocols of the leaching tests for PAH were improved on the basis of a follow-up investigation into the adsorption of PAH on parts of the equipment.<br>
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM