Schematisatie van bodembedekking en kwel in Nederland voor SMART/MOVE
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Schematisatie van bodembedekking en kwel in
Nederland voor SMART/MOVE
Translated Title
Characterization of land cover and seepage for
improvement of SMART/MOVE
Published in
De basiskaarten van SMART/MOVE werden verbeterd, waarin
een bodemfysische en chemische schematisatie is gecombineerd met ruimtelijke
informatie over de verspreiding van vegetatie-eenheden. Het gaat hierbij om
kaarten die (natuurlijke) landbedekking, bodemtype, grondwatertrap en kwel
weergeven. Voor het schematiseren van de bodembedekking waren diverse
nieuwe bestanden beschikbaar gekomen. Een nieuwe schematisatie is
samengesteld uit de meest relevante bestanden. De vijf onderscheiden
klassen zijn loofbos, dennenbos, sparrenbos, hoogveen en heide, en onbemeste
graslanden. Een nader onderscheid binnen de onbemeste graslanden is
gemaakt, maar dit wordt door SMART/MOVE nog niet gebruikt. De resolutie van
het bestand is in principe 25 meter, maar voor concrete toepassingen wordt
een resolutie van 250 meter aanbevolen. Voor het maken van de kwelfluxkaart
zijn twee nieuwe kwelkaarten van RIVM/Landelijk Grondwatermodel (LGM),
zuid-, centraal- en oost-Nederland) en RIZA (MOZART/NAGROM, west-Nederland)
The goal of this project on land cover and infiltration was the improvement of the basic input maps of SMART/MOVE, in which a soil physical and chemical characterization is combined with spatial information on the geographical distribution of vegetation units. The maps represent (natural) land cover, soil type, the groundwater table and infiltration. Several new data sources had become available for the natural land cover characterization. The most relevant data files were used to compile the new characterization. The five differentiated classes were deciduous forest, pine forest, spruce forest, heath and peat moor, and non-manured grasslands. A further refinement within the latter class was made, but this is not used at the moment by SMART/MOVE. Although the resolution of the data is in principle 25 metres, 250 metres is advised for concrete applications. Two new maps, one from RIVM (LGM, southern, central and eastern Netherlands) and one from RIZA (MOZART/NAGROM, western Netherlands) were integrated for the construction of the infiltration map.
The goal of this project on land cover and infiltration was the improvement of the basic input maps of SMART/MOVE, in which a soil physical and chemical characterization is combined with spatial information on the geographical distribution of vegetation units. The maps represent (natural) land cover, soil type, the groundwater table and infiltration. Several new data sources had become available for the natural land cover characterization. The most relevant data files were used to compile the new characterization. The five differentiated classes were deciduous forest, pine forest, spruce forest, heath and peat moor, and non-manured grasslands. A further refinement within the latter class was made, but this is not used at the moment by SMART/MOVE. Although the resolution of the data is in principle 25 metres, 250 metres is advised for concrete applications. Two new maps, one from RIVM (LGM, southern, central and eastern Netherlands) and one from RIZA (MOZART/NAGROM, western Netherlands) were integrated for the construction of the infiltration map.